POST YOUR BREAK-UPS THREAD Vol. EMO (music to heal my heart needed)

Apr 25, 2006
23 months, almost 2 years
all gone now... this was my first realrelationship and it hurts like a mutha...Anyone else going through this?
P.S. please post any experience or advice on how to move on? I'm on some my life is over sh**
( also what music/artists to listen to?)
Originally Posted by tyurshoes265

23 months, almost 2 years
all gone now... this was my first real relationship and it hurts like a mutha...Anyone else going through this?
P.S. please post any experience or advice on how to move on? I'm on some my life is over sh**
( also what music/artists to listen to?)
Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Move on, the sun will continue to rise in the east and fall in the west. Have your one day ofbeing sad and stop feeling sorry for yourself and go hangout with some friends.
My first relationship went 3 years and it ended cuz chick cheated on me. Its going to suck for the next few months but my advice is go out as much as you canand try not to be alone. DONT TALK TO THE CHICK. Go out with friends, theres a good chance you'll meet somebody new too. I know it feels good to sulk oncein a while to some emo music(jimmy eat world for me) but it feels better to be pist. Go play a sport or work out and pump some rap/rock. It gets better man.
Don't start e-stalking her either. Checking her facebook/myspace. You know you're gonna want to.

Song: If You Go Away- Emiliana Torrini
...dated a girl for 4 years out of college. She ended up moving to a new city, I decided to stay. That was two years ago. I still find myself saddened everycouple weeks when I think back on it....

On a Friday by Blaqk Audio
While I never cheated on her I was doing somethings she didn't approve of and I probably shouldn't have been doing anyway.
and now all she do istalk cold to me

*cranks up Devin the Dude - Fa Sho*
Wale Feat. Jean Grae-Goodbye

But Seriously Tho It Happens Keep It Moving Man Live And Learn
thanks so far everyone, I appreciate all of your replies to help me out. You guys are also giving me some new music to listen too ^__^ KEEP THE REPLIES COMING
me and my girl are going through a break up period. kinda hard cause we've been together literally 24/7 for the past year and a half.

what helps is chillin with the homies. don't do nothing stupid til you know for sure you guys are done though. wait a little before you go hoppin in othergirls' panties. trust
Cut my life in 2 pieces this is my last resort suffocation no breathing don't give a *@%% if i cut my arm bleeding

papa roach last resort
to the OP I was with mine for 5 years....and its going to hurt need to crush some new vagin to get your mind right....
I think I'm a heartless dude, Probably because I just wanted to smash and dash, I had no feelings for her...We dated for 6 months and that is the longestrelationship I ever had
maybe I should stay out of this one.
Yeah, me and my girl are on a "break" right now. It's hard but you just have to do you. Work on yourself and stay prayed up. In previous breakupsI listened to these:
- Lyfe Jennings "Cry" (don't really cry though!!!), "Smile"
- Trey Songz "Hating Love" (not sure of the title but it's on the 1st album)
- NeYo "Radio", "Do You" (not sure of this title either but it's on his 1st cut too)

I hope me and my old lady work it out or I'll be back to these songs.
i went through it too... ours was 4 years

listen to
Day 26- Perfectly Blind
Trey Songz & Drake- Replacement Girl & Missing You
Trey Songz- Murder She Wrote
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

I dunno b, doesn't matter the content, festive hispanic dance music is the last thing i wanna listen to when i'm heartbroken.
+ Go hang out with your boys (drink, smoke, pool, gym)
+ Chill with your family more
+ Clean yourself up (hair cut, shave, work out, buy new outfits)
+ Smash as many girls as possible until you are jaded (wrap it up!)

Basically indulge youself in things that you cherish before you met her, and lost the time to enjoy them because of her.

In due time, she will be fat and ugly
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