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Finally decided to upgrade from my R3. Looking into a brand new 2016 gsxr 600. Local dealer here in Cali has a sale price of $9500. I know this is a broad question, but what do you guys expect an out the door price to be?
Finally decided to upgrade from my R3. Looking into a brand new 2016 gsxr 600. Local dealer here in Cali has a sale price of $9500. I know this is a broad question, but what do you guys expect an out the door price to be?

Call them and inquire. Dealerships do things differently.

You're going to have to pay(off the top of my head):
Sales Tax (9%) $855.00
Vehicle License Fee $100.00
CA Tire fees $3.50
Registration/Transfer fees $70.00
Assembly Fee (I think mine was like $700.00)
Finance Charges
cash in hand is always good motivation! generally though, you will pay more @ a dealership than in a private sale; and any bike where they eat too much on the sticker is prolly a bike you don't want to take (goes the same for private sale)...craigslist can be a hassle, but you are way more likely to find a deal there, you will just have to deal/wade through a bunch of flaky people; it is just worth remembering that if something is too good to be true it most likely is & no matter who is doing the selling, their goal is to get the most they can from a sale...but again, cash in hand is always good motivation!
this is true but its a gamble waiting for someone truthful to come thru. Sometimes u wait wait wait n nothing.
Finally decided to upgrade from my R3. Looking into a brand new 2016 gsxr 600. Local dealer here in Cali has a sale price of $9500. I know this is a broad question, but what do you guys expect an out the door price to be?
I don't understand why someone would get a brand new 600 unless they planned on keeping it forever. Imo a 600 is something you ride for a year or two and move on to a liter. Plus the price you'd pay for a brand new 600, you can get a great used liter. Unless of course liter bikes just aren't your thing.

Dude in my building has a brand new GSXR 600, parked out front with no cover or locks, while beater 05 R6 has both cover and locks :lol:.
this is true but its a gamble waiting for someone truthful to come thru. Sometimes u wait wait wait n nothing.

I've bought a few bikes off of cl & have had the most success when I just skip to arranging to see the bike, i try not to go back & forth with too many questions before meeting & seeing the bike in person...if they aren't willing to meet/set up a time to meet, I tend to think it right away gives a decent indication of how serious they are about selling; going to a dealership is generally more straightforward but patience helps when dealing with cl shopping...
Since we showing lids...


Had to do the matchy matchy because every biker lowkey wants to be a power ranger


Bonus pic
How do you like that Captain America helmet? Wind noise? Is it comfortable? I was thinking about picking one up but I've read mixed reviews. Also, I want to try it on but I can't find a place that has it.
How do you like that Captain America helmet? Wind noise? Is it comfortable? I was thinking about picking one up but I've read mixed reviews. Also, I want to try it on but I can't find a place that has it.

The cap helmet is really nice in person. Matte type blue. Def a neckbreaker. It was ji tight when I first got it but it's better now. And as for wind noise, I always ride with headphones with music playing so I don't really hear anything forreal.


2007 CBR 1000RR 67xx MILES

^what part of Long Island you from?

Got any good routes you are ride?

sorry for late response, selden area or Exit 62 off expressway. As far as off road there really aint nothing around me maybe some patches of woods and powerlines but theyre hot boy. Go out to exit 68/69/70 n u got a lil more freedom and more space/time to flee the boys.

There used to be a sick spot off william floyd (exit 68) and long island expressway the old meadows horse track but now they building housing there so there goes that. Used to be able to pull in, off load, leave ur truck in the woods and have a ball. The old parking lot was still there too so u could practice ur wheelie game too lol. People took there jeeps in there n everything. **** was bound to hit the fan sooner than later. DEC would post up everywhere tho, chill in the bushes, lay down trees in the path of the trails, basically do whatever it takes to pop u.

(That neatly cleared path in the middle wasnt there until they started construction).

Street riding, i mean, the island is only so big so theres not much potential espeically for the overly powerful bikes people ride around here (1000's,1200's,1400's). The island's roads are so fuct along with the brainless A holes in the road, its hard to enjoy the ride. A lot of people kick it out east weather it be out in the north fork or hamptons area to get away from the cluster F of cars.
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I need a new bike so badly. I really want to see the next CBR1000. But I really want a new R1.
sorry for late response, selden area or Exit 62 off expressway. As far as off road there really aint nothing around me maybe some patches of woods and powerlines but theyre hot boy. Go out to exit 68/69/70 n u got a lil more freedom and more space/time to flee the boys.


i use to ride out there all the time my cousin and his boys be over there... Gary pl..

i for one just wanted to go there to get away from the foolishness of riding in Flatbush!! :smh:

its crazy, i tell people from brooklyn take the LIE to exit 60-ish and enjoy the ride and your telling cats keep going east :lol:

as LIT as the bike life movement is in NYC... it aint bike life friendly at all...
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polo sport nyc polo sport nyc well idk if baby jumpman baby jumpman was talkin off road or on road n being legal or not legal so i just covered both of them. As far as legally riding plates n all, u can obviously ride anywhere but most people cruise out east. As far as riding dirtbikes n quads on dirt theres not too much until u hit late 60 exits. Now riding the streets with them is a whole diff ball game n what street/highway u want to be urs, can be urs, if thats the choice u want to make. Ive rode street a few times but i aint tryna fool around no more, i could get killed, i could kill someone, the list goes on. Plus i been there done that over the years got 2 my quads impounded, got one out of the 2 back cuz i didnt have papers for first one. Got hit wit 15 tickets 2 of them misdermeanors fleeing an officer n wreckless driving. Thats why i copped a license n got a supermoto cuz u can ride out without being fuct with. The city probably a lot easier to get away with it cuz there so many blocks n different directions to go on top of so many bikes out at once.

Im sure u kno people ride out all over out here they all over bellport, mastic, bayshore u name it. People gotta grow up sooner or later tho. **** is fun dont get me wrong but they gotta pray that bike dont have a misfunction or that ur foot dont lose that break when on one lol.
^ :lol: I lived in bellport when my kx100 got impounded, sad part was that public safety took it not even Suffolk police. Paid the crazy impound fee and sold it like a week later. I was talking street riding diplomat1 diplomat1 some people like mill road in calverton while others prefer N/S state parkways. I actually went down on mill cuz a girl was busy texting smh.
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