Post Your Motorcycle

This is crazy I started this thread in 09 and remembered how badly I wanted to get a bike. I been out of niketalk for a while but I finally got my bike last year a honda cbr 250
Nice. How do you like your CBR? I ended up going for the ninja 250. I have no experience riding whatsoever and I'm only like 5 feet 7 so the bike is a perfect fit and not too heavy. Here's a pic of it:

Anyone know a good brand for rim tape? I'm skeptical to just buy the ebay kind and have it fall off a few weeks later.
I guess if the dude is on a 250 and inexperienced and goes up against an SRT or exotic whip then i could see it...otherwise......NO

yeah a 250 will STRUGGLE to push 95 unless you just redline the **** out of the thing...that'll get taken down by a fast car if the rider is pretty new.
I have a small knee injury so probably no trackdays for me this yr. Decided to take a street ride a few days ago. Wifey snapped these as I was pulling out.

The very 1st day i got my bike..the dealer was about 90 miles was cloudy but no rain that morn..when it was time to leave still overcast.....

However about 10 mins after leaving the dealer it was like i got caught in a Tsunami and Monsoon at the same time..could barely see and then it started to hail somethin crazy..i had no gear on and a helmet from when i had my R6..i was still on the back roads when it started but as soon as i hit the interstate i hit 170ish mph..when ur goin that fast u get so shook u dont even look down for a split second..i know my bike does 190 when it redlines and i was close..

My gf was followin me and she got home 10 minutes after i did :lol:
I was in a hurry to get back to Louisville and outta the weather..of course as soon as i get in my neighborhood it stopped rainin..

:x :x

i couldnt iamagine going that fast in the RAIN... rain scares the ****zle out of me...

i ride in it whenever i have to but i cant get over the fear of sliding...


a 300lb'er on a 600cc aint moving no where fast in NYC... period.

but ive never even tried to push it... never got that bug...
Where do you guys go to get tires? My bike is at the dealer now getting brakes, and oil. They recommended new tires (of course) but I'm not trying to pay their prices.
I just picked my bike up from the dealer. I took a few pictures of my rear tire. Let me know if you guys think it needs replacing. In case anyone wants to know I'm on Michelin Pilot Power 2CT's in the front and rear.



I just picked my bike up from the dealer. I took a few pictures of my rear tire. Let me know if you guys think it needs replacing. In case anyone wants to know I'm on Michelin Pilot Power 2CT's in the front and rear.
ive seen a whole lot worse than that like charles barkley bald
Plenty meat on it. But also depends on what u tryna ride on. But enuff meat on there for a bit.
I've been riding for about a month now. Only took me a week to go down. And had to buy another helmet :frown: although I really can't complain since the helmet did its job.

No love for Harleys in here? I hope to be riding one by next year.
I have the same tires on my bike. Rain over a nail recently :x had to replace the back.
Thanks for the opinions gentlemen. I sent those pics to a few friends who have been riding way longer than me and they shared your sentiments. I found a replacement set of Michelins for a good price. I'll hold off until next season though. Time to widen up that wear patch.
Hit like 125 on highway 4, through Pitts- Antioch.

Not much of a speeder, lost license = lost job :/
If speeding and getting caught doing so carries major repercussions, I wouldn't do it. Look into taking your bike to a track to get your fix.
Anyone watching the Moto GP World Championship?
I watched it earlier today. One of the few things the speed channel is good for!

Rossi took a bad bounce off the wall, he seemed ok afterwards.

Too bad about Marquez crashing.

All in all pretty good race.

Sick bike :smokin

Besides the horsepower, how much of a difference is there between the 750 and the 600? I mean more in terms of handling and riding twisties. Is it worth it to make the jump or are they about the same? I'm pretty happy with my 600 but sometimes I wish I had more power.
The 750 was only made for the race circuit..not too long ago some1 decided to make it avail to the reason at all would u need to go from 600 to 750..the biggest diff is the 750 sits a lil higher up
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