Post your short-term goals vol. Handle your business

Mar 5, 2005
All these goals I plan to accomplish within a year.
-Buy a new Laptop.
-Buy a my own car (I hate using my dad's car).
-Transfer to a University.
-Eliminate my procrastination habit.
-Find a well paying job (I only make $8/hr at my current job).
-Ignore my ex's phone calls (it's harder than it sounds because my options are limited, for now
-Re-up my list (my ex cleaned out my phone when I was asleep a while ago. I was slipping then and I'm paying for it now

I have more goals but, these are my highest priority goals right now.
Get a new/better job.
Get my savings acct. right
Clean my room

Maybe change my major
Go to sleep

wash clothes
Come up with a daily list of goals and objectives so i actually get *+%% done!
Sell my XBox 360, Old iPod, Unwanted Shoes, ect on Ebay
Get my money figured out & start a Roth IRA
Get into better shape (start eating better)
and Have a good Winter Term at UO
-get thru finals week with good grades, no procrastination. but i've already failed in that today,and i have finals on wed, thurs, and fri, and the ones onthurs and fri are pretty intense finals. (differential equations and materials science) i'm screwed if i don't get my act together tomorrow forstudying
get either an A or a B on my last two accounting finals or if I'm really blessed, make A's on both of them.
Stop being weighed down by people
Find a decent car
Save money
Give money to my mom
Work out more
Think positive
get a car.
find of new job.
go to culinary school
get out of the friend zone with this girl (its going to be hard)
and pass high school
get my hard drive fixed*
get my car insurance situated*?
keep room clean(just cleaned it, but I'm slipping up already)*
stop being so damn shy*
meet new girls for the team, I need to make some role changes on the current team
stay in shape, get rid of this lil gut I got*
new MP3 player
finish all my !*#+ to transfer this fall*
save up to move out when I transfer*
Keep the waves up, and still get rid of the acne it leaves(!*#+ breaks out my face at times)

Last but not least

Possibly find a new job in my job field.

*priority things.

I'm about to make 2008 THAT year.
2007 was suppose to be THAT year, but I pulled a OSU against Florida in the title game(didn't know that would spell out my year for me
started out QUICK, %$$# got rough early and often after that, tried to bounce back with a quick score, then %$$# came back and I never recovered.

This time we're playing LSU though, different story.
All these goals I plan to accomplish within a year.
-Buy a new Laptop.
-Buy a my own car (I hate using my dad's car).
-Transfer to a University.
-Eliminate my procrastination habit.
-Find a well paying job (I only make $8/hr at my current job).
-Ignore my ex's phone calls (it's harder than it sounds because my options are limited, for now).
-Re-up my list (my ex cleaned out my phone when I was asleep a while ago. I was slipping then and I'm paying for it now).

I have more goals but, these are my highest priority goals right now.
nice goals, i recently accomplished the first 5 on your list and im so glad i dont have to deal with the last two.
-Finish off my mixtape in the next two months
-Get a Girlfriend in the near future
-Save more money
-Go Christmas shopping
-Help some people out
-Pass FireFighter Exam
Study this last week
Eliminate the procrastination
Get an A and B on all my finals so I can maintain my cumulative GPA.
Cut off all my fake friends
Start saving for the future
Put together a real proposition for my own business
Get in shape( im talkin NFL Wideout shape)
All these goals I plan to accomplish within a year.
-Buy a new Laptop.
-Buy a my own car (I hate using my dad's car).
-Transfer to a University.
-Eliminate my procrastination habit.
-Find a well paying job (I only make $8/hr at my current job).
-Ignore my ex's phone calls (it's harder than it sounds because my options are limited, for now
-Re-up my list (my ex cleaned out my phone when I was asleep a while ago. I was slipping then and I'm paying for it now
Very similar to mine.

Get this mixtape done by the end of the week.
these aren't goals, these all seem more like a christmas shopping list
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