President-elect Obama VS. 50 Cent vol. who had the bigger buzz?

Originally Posted by iBlink

NothinAfter wrote:
c'mon fam...obama had ads in video games

you cant be serious???
50 had a video game

I know right.
These dudes just don't get it. Now thatwe got that nonsense cleared up let me ask you which had the bigger buzz Barney and Friends or the collapse of the Soviet Union?
Originally Posted by CROSSISOM

A president of the largest country in the world or a rapper....

my sentiments exactly. Michael jackson would've been a more reasonable comparison (i've sometimes wondered that myself) but still Obama winseasily. That's like comparing a walkie-talkie to an iphone, fam, actually more ridiculous than that.

Many haven't realized it yet, but Obama will be the biggest, most talked about figure in our lifetime, period. It's just hard to grasp because it'staking place at moment. Similar to how Jordan's greatness didn't settle and become fully appreciated until after he retired.
Damn it's good seeing young folks interested in politics but this counts as an L
Barack Obama is going to be PRESIDENT, meaning he's going to be making someimportant decisions for this country that's going to affect everyone's lives. He's not some kind of fad or Hollywood celebrity

Same things bugs me when casual sports fans get all excited about hearing how Obama wants a playoff system in college football, like he actually can dosomething about it and as if that should be one of his top priorities
Originally Posted by iBlink

NothinAfter wrote:
but "SON" you're still comparing the two men by their i was right the first time

i just had to make it specific for you
Even after I say "please," you still insist on saying son?

You originally said I was comparing the president to a rapper. That's not what I was doing, so you we're wrong then and you're wrong to continue telling yourself otherwise.

You are comparing the president to a rapper.

What the hell is comparing then if your not comparing right now.
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