Project X Movie March 2nd

This movie was...*sigh*

The last time I felt I was inside the film was Cloverfield. I get emotionally invested in films from time to time but this one hit home.
I threw two parties back to back at my mother's home after all the furniture was moved out (we had moved a few days earlier), I couldn't fully enjoy it because I was preoccupied with keeping the last piece of furniture that wasn't moved...her China set.That was her most prized possession, I was shook it would break. Had to spin it around so the glass faced the wall.
Yes this was a film, but when his house was getting trashed progressively I cringed every time because I was him (Thomas) before. I felt for dude.

If you've seen SuperBad it will cross your mind watching this film. The most frank way I could compare the two:
Let's say the films are represented by guns, funny scenes represent bullets, SuperBad was a Revolver spitting out singular shots and Project X was a shotgun pumping out buckshot shells.

Superbad was more consistent with each thing happening one after another, it was a journey. Project X blasted you then took a sec to reload an blast you again and again, it's more of a rush. I don't think personally I could pin both plots against each other, they're cousins from the same family.
Love this movie, it brought me back to when I threw my party, the keg, girls, lol memories. I was a lil jealous (of the film's party) but the consequences were too much for me, not about that life. Maybe if I had Thomas's parents.....

EDIT: music was bomb too
Solid movie. Expected a little more though from how everyone was raving over it. The camera panning in and out became irritating after a while and started to give me a headache
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