Protein shake questions & advice

May 26, 2007
i've been working out for a couple of years and i've always been hesitant to use protein shakes after working out, just wanted to hear stories fromyour own experience. Things i wanted to know was how big do people really get, if one is toned do they still keep those cuts, is it bad for your health, do youreally need a bottle of whey protein the size of an orange juice jug. any other words of advice would help before i make a decision, and any reccomendations onwhich product is best would be good.
It's probably best that you've been working out without whey for so long. That way, if you choose to try it, you'll know if it makes a difference.When most people start working out seriously, they take whey at the same time from the very start so they don't know if they're getting results fromthe new workout stimulus, the whey, or both. I'd recommend ON 100% or EAS 100% Whey. You don't need a huge tub, but it's cheaper if you buy biggerquantities. I'd spend 40 bucks on a 5lb tub, and see what it does for you.
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

It's probably best that you've been working out without whey for so long. That way, if you choose to try it, you'll know if it makes a difference. When most people start working out seriously, they take whey at the same time from the very start so they don't know if they're getting results from the new workout stimulus, the whey, or both. I'd recommend ON 100% or EAS 100% Whey. You don't need a huge tub, but it's cheaper if you buy bigger quantities. I'd spend 40 bucks on a 5lb tub, and see what it does for you.
What are your thoughts on the ingredients listed in bold?

Protein Blend (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate), Natural And Artificial Flavors, Acesulfame Potassium, And Sucralose.
If u use protein shakes for a few months, then stop...will u just see slower progress, or would u actually regress in terms of size/strength. And I meanworking out the same way u were when u were on protein shakes.

It just seems like too much money if u have to keep on buying more protein in addition to a gym membership.
Originally Posted by ReliantJ

Originally Posted by marath0n

Chew, know anything about Muscle Milk? Is it any good?
It's tastes is great
. But I'd advise against it. Better to go with an ensure. The protein is ehh depending on the person and their diet.

Is this a joke? Do not choose ensure over muscle milk.
Yeah I am in the same boat too.

I would like to get a bit stronger and more cut - but not big. Im about to go to my nutritionist - should I ask her about it?
Protein drinks are the one thing that most people have no knowledge on. Protein drinks will NOT make you big.
Are you supposed to take protein everyday? even days you dont work out?

anyways muscle milk is garbage, people only like it because its the best tasting. Id recommend ON 100% whey.
mateen you need protein everyday not just from shakes its in so your body can recover and rebuild muscles
i am positive you need atleast a gram for every pound in your body
ask bodybuilding forums
Yea i heard about the gram per pound but i think thats too much IMO to take from a shake. I take around 75-100 just from that and the rest is from foods that ieat during the day.
Gram per lb is unecessary IMO. And to the guy who said that you regress/slow down when you go off whey, I've gone off whey twice for about 4-6 months eachand saw no noticable difference. You don't get big off of protein alone, but it helps repair your muscles. I continue to take whey just because I don'teat a lot of meat, and it helps me recover faster.

I've never taken Muscle Milk, so I can't comment. I hear it has a very high fat content, so for that reason alone I will probably never try it.
^ double true, protein helps you burn fat if anything, plus keeps you fresh. Go to popeyes or something and ask for a good cheap whey protein, should be around100 cals, 25grams of protein and almost no fat or carbs. Should run you around 30 bucks
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

^ double true, protein helps you burn fat if anything, plus keeps you fresh. Go to popeyes or something and ask for a good cheap whey protein, should be around 100 cals, 25grams of protein and almost no fat or carbs. Should run you around 30 bucks

popeyes? the only popeyes i know is the fast food restaurant.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Protein drinks are the one thing that most people have no knowledge on. Protein drinks will NOT make you big.
ok let me rephrase that, what is the difference in gains you can expect when drinking protein shakes vs a good diet.

word everyone's here to share knowledge, not to be on some elitist tip
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Originally Posted by ChewToy112

It's probably best that you've been working out without whey for so long. That way, if you choose to try it, you'll know if it makes a difference. When most people start working out seriously, they take whey at the same time from the very start so they don't know if they're getting results from the new workout stimulus, the whey, or both. I'd recommend ON 100% or EAS 100% Whey. You don't need a huge tub, but it's cheaper if you buy bigger quantities. I'd spend 40 bucks on a 5lb tub, and see what it does for you.
What are your thoughts on the ingredients listed in bold?

Protein Blend (Whey Protein Concentrate, Whey Protein Isolate), Natural And Artificial Flavors, Acesulfame Potassium, And Sucralose.

I'm not really up to date with nutritional literature, but I did take a nutrition course a couple summers ago and back then, there was noevidence that artificial sweetners did any harm. I'm not really in a position to know what the consensus is now, though.
^apparently they're 'brain cell killers', with all the artificial things.

I wouldnt do a shake vs good diet arguement. the protien is a supplement. it should be a secondary source of protien on top of what you eat daily.
good diet + the shake would yield the best results

thats just my opinion
I haven't used protein shakes since my beginner days, you know that phase. I know for a fact though it helps you recover faster. It's the mostbio-available protein there is, so you know it's good for you. People take em in the morning right after they wake up and before/after workouts forrecovery. Some take em throughout the day...i gotta stock up on some
i havent used protein shakes for the longest time either. i just get protein natural through food like chicke, tuna, turkey, steak, pork. diet is the key. allthat lifting weights is the easy stuff. dieting is the hardest part.
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