Question about black history

Still, there are disproportionate amounts of Blacks born into welfare and a disproportionate amounts of Black (& Hispanic) citizens jailed.

Is this directly due to race? Or perhaps lack of family structure, proper guidance, etc.

Many privileged people, regardless Of race, depend on opportunities that are established by parents that know what to do to ensure their future success. Those that entirely pave their way are exceptional
Still, there are disproportionate amounts of Blacks born into welfare and a disproportionate amounts of Black (& Hispanic) citizens jailed.

Is this directly due to race? Or perhaps lack of family structure, proper guidance, etc.

Many privileged people, regardless Of race, depend on opportunities that are established by parents that know what to do to ensure their future success. Those that entirely pave their way are exceptional

Off the top of my head...Latino communities in Los Angeles in the 20th century were segregated into poorer communities that were ignored by the city for years. Their reasoning was that there were large outbreaks of diseases found among Latino groups...but ignoring the fact that they were displaced into impoverished & downtrodden areas in the first place (From the book Fit to be Citizens? by Natalia Molina)

Someone on NT I think said it best, there is a reason why this disproportionality exists and why the opportunity gap continues to widen. Black families did not just start with this perpetual cycle of single parent--poverty stricken--violence induced environment that's far too often seen today. It starts with its origins and the blatant actions of the United States (off top like how Blacks could not reap the full benefits of the GI Bill after WWII.....or eugenics).

The solution today? I couldn't even tell you fam. It's not as easy as reparations or teaching African history in schools. Systemic means would only temporarily solve things. Cycles need to be broken, family to family. Resources need to be distributed to poorer neighborhoods etc etc aghghhhggh its too much
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I literally dont know nothing about blacks in africa
double negative

The Golden Age of the Moor (Journal of African Civilizations) by Ivan Van Sertima

I have not read this book yet but my little brother (16) has and he was suripised of the early african influence.

Before this thread goes all the way off topic. Is there anyoer that know some good material about black history (pre-slavery) in the form of a book or a site which will lead to a book. I need to contnue learning because my brother looks to me to teach him. Any help would be nice.

they came before columbus by ivan van sertima.

Got to do better than that bruh. I'm already in the know about him. Thanks thou.
The people that say suck it up or those that try to relate African-Americans to other ethnic groups are just beyond a doubt ignorant.

The plight of different eurasian groups will never be comparable to that of blacks. You have an entire ethnic group that spent an odd 275 years in absolute bondage and flat our zero civil rights and then "free" them while dragging them through 100 more years of legalized racism, and give them 30 odd years to catch up to where everyone else already started. 

Most Eurasian's came over here with specializations and those that didn't were welcomed into a society where they could fully integrate over a generation. You can believe that 375 years of **open** oppression, brutal slavery, and institutionalized racism over that long a period of time means nothing that is when your opinion goes from an opinion to idiocy and you just shouldn't voice it anymore.

Things were ******. Things are still ******. And things will keep being ******. Check your privilege.
Stop looking at your past and look at your future.


Deuteronomy 32:7 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.

Job 8:8 For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers:
Job 8:9 (For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow:smile:

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