Questionable Evisu's @ Winners

Oct 30, 2000
There were some lying around in the fat @$S sizes. Are they fakes? Didn't look or feel like a quality piece of garment and the original MSRP was only $120which looked cheap for a pair of "Heritage" line jeans.

I've heard from previous postings that Winners sometime carry questionable items (ie fake-looking Lacostes polo's)

I hit up about 5-6 Winners stores while I was back home last week. I also saw a whole bunch of Evisu jeans on sale. I don't know much about them and howto tell if they're fake, but I can't imagine Winners selling bootleg merchandise. I've bought tons of stuff there before and all different labels(adidas, Champion, Levis), and none appeared to be fakes, ripoffs, etc.. I think Winners has a good reputation.

F Sharp005
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