R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

I'm sorry fellas, I know this has nothing to do with Alton but it speaks to how white people are when it comes us. I don't know what it is but they hate us and fear us to the core. It's as if they think we are plotting against them so every time they encounter one of us we are going to spazz on them. Anyway, this video show a nosy *** white woman getting up in a chicks face, instigating **** then attacking her. When the tables turn she is screaming bloody murder. Kind of like Zimmerman and Trayvon.

Man that old lady had the stupidest look on her face. Like she knew she was out of line. And then she tried tk get loud and say, "You hit me." Good
hate to delete a lot of people of social networks the past few days


equal immediate blocks
even when the stats show that murders are intraracial, they skip over the White stat and argue that 90% of blacks and browns are killed by blacks and browns.

Go figure.
I wouldn't blame black ppl from other countries to be wary of the US. Hell, the last time I got pulled over one of my first thought was, 'Thank God I'm Asian' :lol:

No offense
Always wonder why celebs like the kardashians, Kylie jenners, Justin beiber types never speak out about stuff like this, love to use black culture but never wanna speak on black plight
Always wonder why celebs like the kardashians, Kylie jenners, Justin beiber types never speak out about stuff like this, love to use black culture but never wanna speak on black plight

A lot of (non black) celebs spoke up this time around. Which makes me wonder are they finally conscious or just trying to capitalize for their own benefit.

I hear you though and agree. I called out my non black Facebook friends yesterday on that issue. They love the culture, some of em like to say the slang version of the N word, some of the females LOVE black men, but when injustice happens .....not a single one of them speak on it.
Not trying to be that guy and I'm all for non African Americans speaking up on injustice and equality, but this happens every time a tragedy in the African American community occurs.

It's like part of the routine. Tragedy occurs. We march, pray and debate with racist people with egg and dog avys on twiiter. Then some non black person makes a video or long FB post admitting to white privilege and advocating for black justice and they go viral. And we start reposting it everywhere saying we are happy some of them understand. They get it. Again not saying it's anything wrong with it, but by now I just expect it and I've seen it happen every time since the Trayvon incident.
serves kevin right. when will people learn social media does no good to your professional career?
Lol these are the cats that smile in your face everyday & tell you way more than you'd ever care to know about their personal lives. Glad Kevin got termed :pimp:
i wonder if he had a follow up post after being fired? wonder if dude was married how do you explain that to ol girl :lol:
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who i wish the media would go in on is that girl named tomi lahren and tommy sotomayor. the videos i seen on youtube from the both of them are pure ignorance. That girl is 23 years old and i cant believe the stuff she spews on the internet and why people even listen to what she has to say she is 23 for crying out loud.

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