R.I.P. ESPN's Stuart Scott Passes Away This Morning

Terrible news. The anchors on ESPN are barely holding it together. You can tell how much he was loved. And His speech at the ESPYs was perfect. I feel for his kids and the rest of his fam.

RIP Mr. Scott :frown:
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Sad day in the world to lose a Great like Stu. I sensed a turn for the worse for him when he was away from Monday Night Football for so long. Two of my fellow North Carolinians having a convo years back...

R.I.P Scott. Man I grew up watching him on ESPN. He was part of my childhood. This sucks
Mark Cuban ‏
The only interview that mattered was the Stuart Scott interview

on the last day of the NBA season #RIPStuartScott 


Sad day. I loved the energy that he brought to sports desk. Even when it went a little overboard, it still was entertaining. Seemed like a genuinely good guy.
Damn man I can only think about his speach at the espys when he had his daughter come up :frown: I feel for his family

Same. Re-watched it because of this and got choked up.

Feel for his daughters. Must be awful losing your dad that young.

RIP Stuart Scott. |I
This man WAS Sports Center to me growing up. We were probably the last family in America to get cable and the only thing I knew about ESPN was this anchor who made Wu-Tang references. This hurts, man. :frown:

Following him on Twitter, you'd get a glimpse of how he was living his life. And despite all of his health challenges, dude was absolutely LIVING. From traveling, getting involved in MMA, playing golf, etc. this dude was out there doing his thing. His life was the embodiment of Carpe Diem.

If you're ever feeling too lazy to do something, go through Scott's timeline and see how he approached his day.

RIP to a broadcast legend and just like Jimmy V., his legacy will never die.
Just heard about it on ESPN radio while taking my wife to work. They played the reaction from the NFL countdown crew. When Keyshawn gave his thoughts and mentioned Stuart' kids I teared up. :sad
Oh man that sucks to hear :smh:,soo many good memories of him on ESPN and SC. He could get a little corny at times but I always enjoyed the enthusiasm he brought to broadcasts and he always came off as a a genuine dude. I really didn't realize how far down the road his cancer had gotten. At least he can now rest and not suffer anymore |I,RIP to Stu Scott :\
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rip :frown:

as jjs said above, he was sportscenter. he was ESPN. he was the NBA and more.

he was part of sports culture. he was also a good man. we'll miss him.
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