R.I.P Neil Armstrong, First man on the Moon

Question, for those of you that believe he did in fact make it to the moon, WHY do you feel like that is true? Outside of it being "first" why do you believe it?
 Its only a matter of time
Then it will be fun to read this thread

RIP he lived a full life
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Someone post the video on Stephen Kings movie The Shining, where stanley Kubrick pretty much flat out admits to FAKING the moon landing through the movie.
Question, for those of you that believe he did in fact make it to the moon, WHY do you feel like that is true? Outside of it being "first" why do you believe it?
Make a thread,

This isn't the right one.
why isnt it the right one?

he was known for going to the moon, and if he really didnt go to the moon, and didnt tell the truth about it he will not be regarded with the same respect and honor that he receives today.
Make a thread,
This isn't the right one. :smh:
Why isn't this the right one?

It is a simple question, if you can't answer it just say so. Don't make it out to be a disrespect thing on my end and just ignore the question.

Like I said, much like everything else in life, we believe what we learn first when it comes to history. And that is the ONLY reason why any of us believe he landed on the moon.
:lol: @ "this isn't the right thread"

It's NikeTalk :lol: ****** take that "respect for the dead" thing overboard sometimes.
The evidence for the Apollo 11 Moon landing is overwhelming, and like most conspiracy theories, even some basic research and investigation into the facts easily debunks the nonsense out there.

I mean, apart from the thousands of NASA staff, aerospace and civil engineering teams, photographic and video evidence, technological evidence, lunar rock samples...

Instead of just taking other people's word for it one way or the other, how about actually trying to find out for yourselves? Taking things on second hand hearsay and rumors is half the reason why so many of you guys buy into these crackpot theories in the first place.

-R.I.P. Neil Armstrong
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There's an episode of Mythbusters on this where they completely debunked all of the conspiracy theories that we never landed on the moon.
There's an episode of Mythbusters on this where they completely debunked all of the conspiracy theories that we never landed on the moon.
There is a laser transponder on the moon that we can shine a laser off of and contact with.

HOW ELSE would we contact it? 

Miss me with the "we could use drones"

Yeah, i'm talking about the late 60s. 
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Someone post the video on Stephen Kings movie The Shining, where stanley Kubrick pretty much flat out admits to FAKING the moon landing through the movie.
How many assumptions are being made to believe that he was actually the one who made the moon landing hoax videos?
There's an episode of Mythbusters on this where they completely debunked all of the conspiracy theories that we never landed on the moon.

There is a laser transponder on the moon that we can shine a laser off of and contact with.

HOW ELSE would we contact it? 

Miss me with the "we could use drones"

Yeah, i'm talking about the late 60s. 

Who says we didn't JUST put it there?
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