Race Relations in the United States - Let's Dialogue and Educate

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

What is it that you want me to do (as a white person)? What can I do really? False sense of enlightenment? Where? It's simply a matter of perspective
I didn't say I wanted you to do anything but since you asked, I'll answer. What I don't what you as a white person to do is this.
Blacks don't realize no one can do anything about your problems butyour community
Please don't tell us what we realize or what we know or don't know. Don't tell us what we're ignorant to in our own community. Myself and many others perceive THAT as a false sense of enlightenment and downright arrogance.
I agree Levar but in all honesty a lot of people regardless of race aren't trying to help nobody but their own friends/fam. Now if it helps them to make a profit cool but like you said everybody is worried about their own problems on their little worlds.
the movie "Crash" is an excellent case study

Black folks need to abandon christian religious slavery and stop asking White elites to solve problems that they created and benefit from. How am I going to blame the school system, the government and other American institutions for perpetuating Racism and then ask them to solve the problem?
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

What is it that you want me to do (as a white person)? What can I do really? False sense of enlightenment? Where? It's simply a matter of perspective
I didn't say I wanted you to do anything but since you asked, I'll answer. What I don't what you as a white person to do is this.
Blacks don't realize no one can do anything about your problems butyour community
Please don't tell us what we realize or what we know or don't know. Don't tell us what we're ignorant to in our own community. Myself and many others perceive THAT as a false sense of enlightenment and downright arrogance.

Isn't that what you're doing to me? You're in a thread that encourages perspectives to expose maybe some flaws in thinking, and you're getting angry because I'm admitting I'm oblivious to the problems of blacks. I'm only sharing what's discussed among my circle of friends and in my experiences (which is very diverse btw). You're like wielding a knife at me and asking for a hug at the same time 
 .This is where most whites (at least in my experience) get confused. I'm down for listening to your point of view but it's not cool for you to assume my position or stance because of the color of MY skin.  

I don't know how else to say this without making you upset, the world is bigger than African-American issues. Not saying they aren't any less important, but are you well educated in the effects and psyche of the Japanese post Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Maybe the Holocaust?  The oppression my Great-Grandfather experienced as an Irish Immigrant in New York? 

One can say that you're putting YOUR feelings as a black man in front of Asians and Jewish people as if your struggle is far greater. Imagine being Muslim in New York. They're doing something about their issues because it's their issues and their struggle. 

I've always observed there's a "you don't know what its like being black" attitude when ever race comes up,  imagine being in my shoes in this very thread looking to offer some perspective and you're rejecting me cause you're not taking the time to understand me as a person.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

What is it that you want me to do (as a white person)? What can I do really? False sense of enlightenment? Where? It's simply a matter of perspective
I didn't say I wanted you to do anything but since you asked, I'll answer. What I don't what you as a white person to do is this.
Blacks don't realize no one can do anything about your problems butyour community
Please don't tell us what we realize or what we know or don't know. Don't tell us what we're ignorant to in our own community. Myself and many others perceive THAT as a false sense of enlightenment and downright arrogance.

Isn't that what you're doing to me? You're in a thread that encourages perspectives to expose maybe some flaws in thinking, and you're getting angry because I'm admitting I'm oblivious to the problems of blacks. I'm only sharing what's discussed among my circle of friends and in my experiences (which is very diverse btw). You're like wielding a knife at me and asking for a hug at the same time 
 .This is where most whites (at least in my experience) get confused. I'm down for listening to your point of view but it's not cool for you to assume my position or stance because of the color of MY skin.  

I don't know how else to say this without making you upset, the world is bigger than African-American issues. Not saying they aren't any less important, but are you well educated in the effects and psyche of the Japanese post Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Maybe the Holocaust?  The oppression my Great-Grandfather experienced as an Irish Immigrant in New York? 

One can say that you're putting YOUR feelings as a black man in front of Asians and Jewish people as if your struggle is far greater. Imagine being Muslim in New York. They're doing something about their issues because it's their issues and their struggle. 

I've always observed there's a "you don't know what its like being black" attitude when ever race comes up,  imagine being in my shoes in this very thread looking to offer some perspective and you're rejecting me cause you're not taking the time to understand me as a person.

My man, what the hell are you rambling on about? This is the second time you've gone off on some tangent. I didn't address your first one and I'm not going to address this one. What I said was clear and precise. I'm not even going to repeat it since it's posted multiple times on this page and you even did me the courtesy of enlarging it. If you think I'm mad at you, if you think I'm wielding an e-knife at you, then I don't know what to say.
HAM CITY wrote:

Bottom line is I'm entitled to my opinion, whether popular or unpopular, you don't have to listen. It's clear you're not, so I'm just gonna let this thread breath for a while. Maybe someone can articulate what I was trying to say to you a little better. I though its was all about "dialog and educating" each other. 
Man I really hate white folks, first they slave blacks and treat them like animals (still happening). When blacks act like animals like rob or steal, white people blame blacks. wassup with that
Originally Posted by fly23s

Man I really hate white folks, first they slave blacks and treat them like animals (still happening). When blacks act like animals like rob or steal, white people blame blacks. wassup with that
Can't even say i hate em... the scenario you painted has always made me laugh, like that's all I can do... then I just smh
on another note people can educated others as much as they want but at the end of the day its a white men world #reallife
Powerful black figure: black people, we need to stand up for ourselves! We need to do good in our community!
Black people: yaaaaaay

Random white guy: black people, you need to stand up for yourselves! You need to do good in your community!
Black people: omgwtfbbq racist! Don't tell us what to do!
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I agree.
The biggest problem with black folks is when we become "successful" a lot of us flee to majority white neighborhoods to live and spend our money there.  Other groups don't do this nearly as much as we do.  I'm not at all promoting segregation, but I think it really becomes a problem when a lot of the successful and educated blacks move as far away from their own people as possible.  

You have to move out nowadays.  It just ain't safe in the hood when you become successful.  Back in the day, times were different, you could still live in the hood without worrying about you or your family getting killed. 
But not every majority black neighborhood is a violent hood.
I'm not saying if you make a 100K stay in the projects, but we need to try to keep some of the wealth we obtain we have in our own communities

Maybe I've lived on the east coast to long, but I feel like the biggest misconception by both blacks and whites is that every majority black area is dangerous (and I think local media feeds in to this heavy, but that's another subject)
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I agree.
The biggest problem with black folks is when we become "successful" a lot of us flee to majority white neighborhoods to live and spend our money there.  Other groups don't do this nearly as much as we do.  I'm not at all promoting segregation, but I think it really becomes a problem when a lot of the successful and educated blacks move as far away from their own people as possible.  

You have to move out nowadays.  It just ain't safe in the hood when you become successful.  Back in the day, times were different, you could still live in the hood without worrying about you or your family getting killed. 
But not every majority black neighborhood is a violent hood.
I'm not saying if you make a 100K stay in the projects, but we need to try to keep some of the wealth we obtain we have in our own communities

Maybe I've lived on the east coast to long, but I feel like the biggest misconception by both blacks and whites is that every majority black area is dangerous (and I think local media feeds in to this heavy, but that's another subject)
100% bigtime
Originally Posted by illadelALLDAY

Powerful black figure: black people, we need to stand up for ourselves! We need to do good in our community!
Black people: yaaaaaay

Random white guy: black people, you need to stand up for yourselves! You need to do good in your community!
Black people: omgwtfbbq racist! Don't tell us what to do!
idiot, dude said black people don't realize this. which is false.
I get angry when my friends used to call me "mad white" because I used words like "dangerous" or "interesting"
Originally Posted by DipsetGeneral

I get angry when my friends used to call me "mad white" because I used words like "dangerous" or "interesting"

You need new friends if using words like "dangerous" or "interesting" is considered "white."
Originally Posted by malikdagoat

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by malikdagoat

I agree.
The biggest problem with black folks is when we become "successful" a lot of us flee to majority white neighborhoods to live and spend our money there.  Other groups don't do this nearly as much as we do.  I'm not at all promoting segregation, but I think it really becomes a problem when a lot of the successful and educated blacks move as far away from their own people as possible.  

You have to move out nowadays.  It just ain't safe in the hood when you become successful.  Back in the day, times were different, you could still live in the hood without worrying about you or your family getting killed. 
But not every majority black neighborhood is a violent hood.
I'm not saying if you make a 100K stay in the projects, but we need to try to keep some of the wealth we obtain we have in our own communities

Maybe I've lived on the east coast to long, but I feel like the biggest misconception by both blacks and whites is that every majority black area is dangerous (and I think local media feeds in to this heavy, but that's another subject)
bingo, how did the jews climb themselves out of the very ghettos blacks find themselves in today?
Through supporting their own businesses. Stop hitting up kfc and mcdonalds, support your local chicken spot/fish spot....it's the small issues we need to fix before the big ones become a realistically solvable issue.
In my view the problem between races is simple in that we all focus on the stereotypical descriptions of other races...

African Americans as a whole are perceived as being sources of trouble...FALSE...
Asians as a whole are perceived as being apologetic and submissive...FALSE...
Hispanics as a whole are perceived as being un-educated...FALSE...
Caucasians as a whole are perceived as being racist bigots...FALSE...
Middle Easterners as a whole are perceived as being terrosts and religious fanatics...FALSE...

How can we, in 2012, as a people catagorize an entire race as falling into any single over inflated ethnic description?...No matter if we fall into the minority or in the majority we, as human beings, feel the need to catagorize a person...Be that by skin color...Be that by class...Be that by sex...Be that by sexual orientation...Be that by religious beliefs...etc...

The truth is until we all (EVERY RACE) choose to accept this as being a problem we will never be able to move on from it...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

No solution. Realistically there is no solution.
Well it depends on what the goal is. In terms of pure equality, that will not happen unless this world blows up and everything can be started over. I don't see how we will ever be considered anything more than outsiders.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

No solution. Realistically there is no solution.
Well it depends on what the goal is. In terms of pure equality, that will not happen unless this world blows up and everything can be started over. I don't see how we will ever be considered anything more than outsiders.
I agree.
I see now that the only solution is for us to put difference and past aside. We need to work together.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

No solution. Realistically there is no solution.
Well it depends on what the goal is. In terms of pure equality, that will not happen unless this world blows up and everything can be started over. I don't see how we will ever be considered anything more than outsiders.
An true egalitarian society is just a fictional idea...because society/nature is naturally ordered...when that social order is disturbed you get all the disfunctional aspects of society such as violence, unwanted childbirth, poverty, homelessness, and war. It's out of control. It's a shame.

there IS a way. it starts with holding yourself responsible for the state of our society and specifically to what has happened to our (African American) people. Our experience in America is what gives us the advantage over these spoiled ungrateful Europeans who have oppressed the land and peoples since they arrived here...

Its seriously disturbing what is going down....how a man can domesticate another man into doing his labor and then turn around and call the same man a lazier, inferior man.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

No solution. Realistically there is no solution.
Well it depends on what the goal is. In terms of pure equality, that will not happen unless this world blows up and everything can be started over. I don't see how we will ever be considered anything more than outsiders.
An true egalitarian society is just a fictional idea...because society/nature is naturally ordered...when that social order is disturbed you get all the disfunctional aspects of society such as violence, unwanted childbirth, poverty, homelessness, and war. It's out of control. It's a shame.

there IS a way. it starts with holding yourself responsible for the state of our society and specifically to what has happened to our (African American) people. Our experience in America is what gives us the advantage over these spoiled ungrateful Europeans who have oppressed the land and peoples since they arrived here...

Its seriously disturbing what is going down....how a man can domesticate another man into doing his labor and then turn around and call the same man a lazier, inferior man.

Their attempt at trying to justify it smh
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