Racist Facebook rants gets 911 operator fired

Well, she wasn't smart enough to know she was jeopardizing her job by posting such vulgarity on FB; which should be common knowledge.

Just about a week ago, a story came out that a delivery boy from Papa John's was fired for ranting about a black customer he delivered to, except he was caught by accidentally calling the customer back. :lol:

The CEO of pizza giant Papa John's has apologized to a Sanford, Florida, customer after a delivery man accidentally dialed the customer and left a racist rant on the man's voice mail.

The apology came after a customer posted on YouTube a video of the voice mail message, which featured the delivery man using racial slurs as he complained to another Papa John's employee about the size of tips he receives from African-Americans.

The customer, who is not identified and is not shown on camera, shows the receipt for $15.26 and said he gave the delivery man a $5 tip -- more than 20% -- on Sunday. Then the customer plays the roughly four-minute message.

smh, tipping should be banned in the states anyways.
its worse out there in Funky Town though......
hell yeah 

especially the police I was out there training for my job

and got into an accident cop came by and asked me

why i was all the way out there as if im not allowed to travel outside North Dallas

even after the fact that i gave him the info on how i was there for job training and 

even showed him my work badge dude had the *** hole attitude during the whole deal

but on topic some people need to learn to vent outside of social media there is no telling who is watching and ready to snitch

***** might even be friends on facebook that so happens to be friends with another co-worker that is black 

and thats all she wrote dealt with real quick 
if you make a racist statement for trolling purposes, are you a racist troll or just a plain racist?


sar·casm [sahr-kaz-uhm] Show IPA
1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
“So, apparently there are people who are looking to add me as a friend on Facebook, because they support my message. [...] Hopefully many other people can freely speak their minds with no fear. God Bless America!"
Dumb ***
I am not surprised anymore, especially after that damn Cheerios commercial
And that kanye line needs to be changed because racism is has always been overt( at least if you are a dark male)
But I still love being a black man no matter how hard it gets
Edi: no lie that papa johns phone call did make me laugh though
The pure ignorance makes it funny to me because usually people like this are quiet as a church mouse when they see you in person but use that Internet courage to sound tough
Now the only exception are small towns out here in texas( ie jasper) and alot of cities in Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas
Man them rednecks give no dambs to let you know you are not welcomed lol
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She got that sweet white nectar... :smh:

Seriously though I hate racists with a passion. I try to block it all out mentally because it really eats at me,
like I want to be on my malcom x stuff and justify their nonsense with violence which isn't a good look at all.

How you let someone call you a the n word and just walk away.
How do you tell someone else you defended your pride and enforced his stereotype through violence.

lose lose situations.
Huh u don't say my favorite racist of all time was the NYC emt worker who tweeted racist ish and cried about it on tv haha
She got that sweet white nectar... :smh:

Seriously though I hate racists with a passion. I try to block it all out mentally because it really eats at me,
like I want to be on my malcom x stuff and justify their nonsense with violence which isn't a good look at all.

How you let someone call you a the n word and just walk away.
How do you tell someone else you defended your pride and enforced his stereotype through violence.

lose lose situations.
I feel you, I do have my days were I want to be on some new black party ish, and just bust heads but the laws were created for white people by white people and I know i can't afford to end up a statistic
I hate to say it is what it is
I just hate the fake apologies or if somebody comes for their neck after saying nonsense they want to cry victim
Just like ol girl who did that rant on asian people, people really don't get that once you click the button on things like this, it will last forever and is clearly documented for the Feds and the general public and if they get caught slipping in the streets I don't feel bad for them
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How many of y'all would still smash though?

I would, :lol: :nthat:

I can see her angle though, some people find it easy to stereotype off consecutive occurrences.

I was in popeyes today and saw an african american women and her daughter come in and sit down, bought nothing, just to sit in the AC for a while I guess :lol: :smh:

I think they got a lot of bad looks, not that it wasn't deserved :smh:

I'm black, if that matters :lol:
I came in here expecting to read something blown completely out of proportion, taken out of context, or something on the fence.  This, however, was absolutely inexcusable. 
Would wang.

This is exactly why I hate the university im at..

One black dude in a sea of 90% white.
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