Racist Pro Wrestling Gimmicks

Found this one from another wrestling board. This was Kamala's former partner in World Class Championship Wrestling.
The Million Dollar Man and Virgil wins this, hands down. And when they finally gave Virgil a shot, after years of being a slave, he was horrible.
Originally Posted by JumpoffTheGod

One Man Gang Becomes Akeem
Uploaded by ThrowbackForums
� Don't forget about Akeem The African Dream!

I had never seen this before.
Im still not real sure how some of them are racist? They are playing characters, you all know this stuff aint real. Its not like they could get a white dude to play Papa Shango, he wouldn't be able to sell the part. Same goes for Yokozuna. You couldn't get a fat Mexican dude to play that character, it wouldn't make sense to the story. Certain races have to depict these people.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

On a related note, I can't believe nobody has mentioned Junk Yard Dog in this thread yet. I'm not quite sure what stereotype he was perpetuating, but it had to be something.
A black man with a chain around his neck... hmmmmm
WOW; I NEVER even looked at it like that

DAMN that was racist as a muthaf#$ka
peep this on one of those wwe 24/7 legends of wrestling specials about Harlem Heat
Originally, WCW wanted the brothers to be led to the ring on chains by their "owner" Col. Parker...
~~~Fortunately the idea was quickly scrapped and they debuted in WCW as Harlem Heat - Kane and Kole..
rascism in wrestling goes back since its begining. good guy vs bad guy. comeo n who remembers iron sheik
Off topic, but Taka Michinoku used to be one my favorites back in the day

His entrance music was TOO GOOD! Almost has that Power Rangers-type feel during a fight with the Putty Patrol (am I the racist, or am I on to something?)
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Im still not real sure how some of them are racist? They are playing characters, you all know this stuff aint real. Its not like they could get a white dude to play Papa Shango, he wouldn't be able to sell the part. Same goes for Yokozuna. You couldn't get a fat Mexican dude to play that character, it wouldn't make sense to the story. Certain races have to depict these people.

And there you have it.......


it's not racist at all, because that is fact, Mexicans are the only once that can lawn a yard...
It has to be Cryme Tyme hands down.

I mean, two black dudes dressed in gold chains and bagg clothes and calling themselves CRIME TIME?

Buuuut I guess when they drop that check on them, it doesn't really matter. Hell, they could call me Dot Head Tech Support Guy if the money was right.
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