Random Thought Thread Vol. A lot

would the world be a better place if religion did not exist?

what divides more people other ethnicity?
how is something that is supposed to elevate and unite people be such a decisive force? people have been enslaved, land conquered, and wars have been foughtall in the name of religion. a lot of violence in today's world could be due to extreme religious belief systems.
subtract organized religion from society and there would more unity. people fail to realize that all men are brothers.
I just realized there's no right or wrong answer to the question, "would the world be a better place if religion did not exist?"
- religion keeps people in check
the world knows the problems between Israel & Palestine. Jews vs. Muslims. It's all caused a lot of bloodshed over land, boundaries, culture etc.Obviously without religion this would not be going on. the most important thing is not to wish religion didn't exist to make the world a better place, butto learn to coexist.
looking at it differently though, religion is just a crutch for those in control to rationalize war and gain support from the people that follow them. if onewere to look at countries that have the least amt of people following religion, mostly Scandinavian countries, one will see how much better their quality ofliving is, and far less income inequality they have.
without religious belief, what stops us from becoming savages? if we completely erase religion from world history and peoples minds it has been said thatpeople would go completely barbaric. right?
well i just figured out how this is a common misconception. religion isnt what keeps man from anarchy. (lawless, disorder, results from a failure ofgovernment) the laws created for the greater good of society is what keeps the peace. or what ever peace we have. more savage human acts (war & genocide)have been committed as a result of religious allegiance. if religion kept us from becoming savages we would have became it a long time ago. religion is just apsychological barrier to try and control people.

straight off my blog, i was
when i wrote that a while back. yes random thoughts put down at the moment.
- If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

- Plurals are strange things... One goose, 2 geese. So why not one moose, 2 meese?

if the good guy always wins, how come the nice guys finish last? Wouldn't they be relatively good if they're nice?
1. why does one need job experience to gain job experience.
2. Can developing countries ever catch up to the developed world?
3. If this inflation of education continues, will people be going to post graduates'- graduate phD school when till they are 60 in a few decades?
4. why do people with no money tend to have the most kids? condoms are less expensive than a college tuition imo
5. how are some people's phones and cars worth more than their cribs?
6. why do people panic about 1 death from the swine flu, but when 10000 ppl die from the aids/tb/____ yearly its ok?
7. what ever happened to osama? dude needs a twitter.
8. ppl are mad different, with different capabilities and skills. who the hell coined the "everyones the same" phrase?
9. If the mayans could predict the future (2012)....shouldn't they have foresaw that they would all die from diseases and european conquests?
10. niketalk's black background is awesome...other sites need to do darker background colors too so its easier on the eyes.
I hate when I just miss a call by the last ring (Hello? Hello? D*mmit!), but when I immediately call back, it rings nine times and goes to voicemail.
What'd you do after I didn't answer? Drop the phone and run away?
@ these replies! I only have one thought on my mind right now... "The hell am I doing awake at 5:10 am? I need to go to sleep!"
i wonder does everybody take gold dollars? im hungry and i dont want to use my card...
Originally Posted by CuriousGeorg3

whatever happened to that "no fapping" thread?

Son I thought about this like two days ago.
Who actually won? And whoactually believed the winner didn't spend a night with Hanita.
Cuz all of ya'll invovled were fappin while posting on NT.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

i wonder does everybody take gold dollars? im hungry and i dont want to use my card...

found out the answer to my question...i am currently eating pancakes with powdered sugar and syrup at the expensive of two gold dollars and 17 cents
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