Raptor 7s Legit check

Oct 11, 2014
My cousin gave me these raptors for free a while ago and they are pretty beat up. There is paint peeling off and the soles are pretty worn down , they also did not come with the og laces . Besides all of this I am wondering if they are legit because if so then I will restore them . Tell me what you guys think , it would be appreciated . Excuse my feet in the last pic lol .
Leaning heavily towards not legit. It is understandable if some paint is peeling or cracking but in addition to that you can spot dodgy sloppy painting on the outsole and side that looks like some worker that didn't care to paint inside the lines. Also got the wrong colors for some of the design

Most likely the paint is rubbing right off because its a very cheap paint to make cheap forgeries out of
thanks for telling me man . these were also in the trunk of a car , in a trash bag for like a month so i think the paint looks sloppy because of melting.
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