Real talk, is there any looking back after going raw?........srs

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by starzinoureyes

Condoms feel like you're making love to a balloon animal.
Let me know when you on the Maury Show 

      Highly unlikely, considering I did mention doing that within a srs relationship [see: monogamy], but I guess your clever selective quoting allowed you an attempt @ being funny. Try again.  
When I do follow thru with a feels good to take it off and have no worries after
I've went raw...but it ain't worth the risk. This question really is a testament to maturity. I mean getting a girl preggers...especially these one-time deal girls and actually having a child come out of this at a point that i'm not ready to take care of one is one of the most irresponsible things you could do.

I mean people say things happen for a reason so it's whatever. It's your life you choose your own path.
I asked a similar question on NT a couple years ago and they said it's addictive. And man they were right.
Now I makre sure to push for birth control and clinic visits whenever I get involved with a lady.  But if it's a quickie, then condoms.
^ im actually glad you bumped this thread, i used a condom the other day and it just still doesnt do it, and that was the first time i had sex in over a month, i really dont think there is any turning back 
Those of y'all in serious relationships, are your significant others on the pill?

I don't ever want to experience (or my girl experience) having to abort...

It just doesn't sit right with me. And it can be traumatizing to a girl.

I don't want to realize a mistake before it's too late. Best if I talk to her about it I suppose.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

^ im actually glad you bumped this thread, i used a condom the other day and it just still doesnt do it, and that was the first time i had sex in over a month, i really dont think there is any turning back 

i feel the same man
Raw is so tempting, Best result possible is to find a permanent jumpoff or wifey with birth control. Then, pull out and shoot on her chesticles, buttocks, or stomach when climaxing. NEVER BUSS' INSIDE DEM' HUSSIES!
There really isn't man, raw is too good. I started off with condoms once with my girl and it was cool, i was mashing it out like a champ controlling that joint like a master. Midway through took the rubber off and i lost all control, just drooling and %+%@ with a straight ugly face. There's difference man, specially if it's flowing like the waters of lake minotonka.
i been wit the same chick for like 7 years and i tired to use a condom just to see if i could tell the diff...boy i could and she could as even pissed her off lol. when u start going bear back it aint gonna be no marathons but man that feeling is like the first time you hit weed...ohhhh lord lol
Used a condom for the first ½ of my first time and taking it off was life changing... That $*$% felt so good that there's no coming back, at least mentally. The main reason why I don't smash random +!#**%.

The feeling of a girl riding on you and nutting inside of her and seeing her face just feels too good man.

Of course I'll have to trust her to do that but I have to admit I'm hooked. I need a girl
Originally Posted by JayHood23

Originally Posted by Chrisphreezy

I'm still a virgin. But I'm way too scared to even try raw man, honestly.

the thought of catching something and having a disease going into my body creeps me out too much.
All jokes aside, I respect you for this. My advice would be to wait til marriage OR make sure your first time is with someone you have committed yourself to. Don't worry about knocking down as many @%@%!! as the next man. 

Depends on who you are about to go into.
dirty girl, raw is a definite no.
just be safe and rap yo $!+ up.
I went raw with my girl yesterday, pulled out mad early. Im still nervous smh. Im not about that parenthood life
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