Reebok Pump AXT (First Series) Retro

What took reebok so long to realize they could start pumping out their own retros(pun intended)
...they only ever did the most famous pump models in very limited numbers....hopefully they keep this up!
ugh, that incorrect pump sticks out like a sore thumb to me. a lot of people probably won't care, but i just can't think about them with a basketball pump. nice pic otherwise.
I'm with you on that holler, although its a small thing, its also a key characteristic of this shoe. Imagine if they used a basketball pump on the changs. Personally I think its going to be the downfall of this retro I know I'll most likely pass on them if its not corrected.
^I'm with you guys... the basketball pump is just a slap to the face, pass unless corrected for the final version..... or if i get them for dirt cheap to beat up at work.
I hear ya... I think with the tennis pump, having a yellow felt basketball would be stretching it too much, otherwise Reebok would have done the same for that shoe too. I don't suppose we'll see the barbell on the SXT, should they retro that one too.
The colors are still wrong on both of these too.  I hope they retro the OG teal version.
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

Originally Posted by cayang123

love the SXT with barbell pump....always wanted that pair!!
Me too, I'd be soooo pissed if Reebok Retro's them with a basketball pump 
    Seriously though I hope this is an early sample and Reebok DOES THE RIGHT THING and uses the racquet ball material for the pump and matches the area around the ankle up with the rubber around the pump.  I mean imagine if they left the fuzzy tennis ball pump off the court victory and replaced it with a basketball pump would that be acceptable?  Absolutely not, I'm loving Reebok to death, and they are definitely on a roll I hope they don't start ignoring key characteristics of these shoes, its the little things that really matter.  From a sales stand point they should realize that the teal colorway is the most popular, do it right and people will gravitate towards other colorways.  They are on a roll I hope they don't kill the momentum to save a few bucks on pump material/ design, that would really suck.

I totally agree, the AXT with a basketball pump makes no sense to me.  I've seen Reebok cut corners on other Pump retros so I'm thinking the basketball pump will still be there for the release.
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