Regarding Health Disparities

Jan 7, 2013
This will be a long read. 

Some of us may be in the midst of dead week so I understand time management is very critical. I still have many  assignments that still need to be finished, which brings me to the topic of health disparities and the affordable care act. A teacher in one of my classes requires us to contribute posts to a discussion on a number of topics.  

She linked us to this page:

And asked us to discuss which measures would be successful and which would fail. 

I looked over this discussion hoping to make a post and earn a couple more points in the class but I stumbled upon this response from another student that really bothered me. I removed myself from the page so I can get started on hw assignments for other classes due tomorrow but I still can't get passed some of the things mentioned in his response. 

For those of you that have the time to read: 
This health care act is going to increase taxes, get rid of doctors and nurses, and allow illegal immagrants to have free health care. Who do you think is going to be paying for all of this nice free health care? Also this is The United States of America, we speak english not spanish....Sorry but it's true. If people want to come to America then learn to speak english. I am tired of us bending over backwards giving people free **** because we are stupid enough to give it to them. We already give illegal immigrants free drivers license. Now we are about to give them health care because they are minorities.

My family can't even afford health care. My step mom is sick and we can't afford to help her. Now do i want health care cheaper? No i do not because that will raise taxes and put my family in a bigger hole.

Now with this racial descrimination bull crap needs to stop. Serious you people are making it out that America is full of hateful people that don't like minorities. I am serious, you people feel like we need to give these minorities more free **** thinking that will solve the problem. I feel every minority needs to be taught english not the other way around. If i am about to go to Mexico or Asia then i need to learn their language. Also there needs to be a program where we teach them and it's mandatory not make U.S citizens learn to speak their language because they don't want ot take the time to learn it.

This health care act is to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Its a fact read the Obama care bill that is 3000 pages and has 1000 pages of **** that everyone looks over. If the people actually read this bill no one will want it passed. Read it yourself if you don't believe me. You can find it at on a pdf file. It will blow your mind on whats in it.

Making things cheaper and helping minorities because we feel bad is not the route America needs to take. What we should do is bring back big coorporations, get rid of the union, and create jobs. Iam tired of people complaining. Thats all i seem to hear but no one wants to create a salution. Instead people complain and nothing gets done so they complain some more. It's hard to argue with a complainer. We need to put on our work boots and go to those poor neighborhoods to create jobs so people can afford health care. Soon enough the worth of a dollar will be raised and everyone will have health care. Instead people would rather complain.
What are your thoughts on this? 
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