RIP: 70 killed after soccer game in Port Said, Egypt

Jun 5, 2007
Fifty to seventy people have been killed after a soccer game in Port Said.
Spectactors entered the field and hunted opposite players and fans of Al-Ahly.
What the hell. I was just on yahoo, didnt see this.

Cairo (CNN) -- At least 68 people were killed when riots broke out after a soccer game Wednesday in Egypt, the country's deputy health minister said.

This is really really sad.   
USA mens team cancelled a game there last year cuz of the violence that was going on at the time . Had to ddo something with politics i think
Originally Posted by turbomugenhatch

 Had to ddo something with politics i think

Yup. Alot of people mix opposing political ideas with sports in some parts of the world, and thats why you see @#$% like this happen
GOOD GOD NO WAY, 'pukes' IS THIS REAL LIFE? RIP. coming from the thread with a member finding out he has cancer to this, HORRIBLE
This is such a sad situation and the story will probably just keep getting bigger.

There a few theories as to why this happened and some are really disturbing.

The 2 clubs and their fans are hated rivals and Al-Ahly is the most successful club in Egypt and all of Africa. The excitement of defeating their rival could have lead the fans to attack the other fans and players but that doesn't explain why the security forces stood by and watched the attacks happen.

Not only were many fans trampled but some were reported to have been stabbed to death.

The Ultras that are fans of Al-Ahly are well known for their contentious relationship with the police and other armed forces and they played a role in the protests of the Egyptian Revolution.

They were involved in the Battle of the Camel and fought back against Pro Mubarak forces and they also played a role in the storming of the Israeli embassy last year.

This is why there is the idea that this was a planned attack to punish the fans for their past actions.

Field Marshal Tantawi, the country's de facto leader and Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces said the responsible parties will get what they deserve and said the victim's families would be compensated but the fans were chanting for his execution at the train station in Cairo as some fans arrived back from Port Said.

My uncle is a diehard Al-Ahly fan and I hope he wasn't there and I damn sure he wasn't one of the people who stood there and did nothing.
Getting out of hand in my motherland.

We shall Outlast Insha'allah
 Damn Egypt is scary.  This must be the same mob that raped the English reporter Lara Logan.  
TF goin on over there?
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