RIP Nipsey Hussle

I don't understand why some people think their morals and opinions are gospel?

If it's common fact that a person shouldnt be talking about someone's wife, especially when she's a widow, why did it happen? People are jumping out not because Nipsey is dead, but because it's Nipsey.

Now, obviously I have been saying everyone and that's an exaggeration. There are people that morals tells them to grief and psyche makes then feel bad and not have those thoughts, but others are literally animals, they see an opportunity regardless of circumstances. Does this make one a better person than the other?? Depends who you ask.

Ya miss me with people want to play dumb ... no, you want to play dumb and act like different people handle situations differently and not everyone is alike.

If this would be a random dude with a fine woman and she made headlines because she was the finest widow, all the comments would be

Low key wood
I'll make her feel better
Etc etc

Yes, I agree with a lot of people, this woman is mourning and you are a public figure making poor comments, but in certain Kodak was not the 1st or last person to think, damn RIP Nipsey, qhats good LL??

Any ***** plotting on a widow after a few days is a weirdo. Period. I don't need to flex my morals for that to be true.
The biggest issue being he was on live. saying that with your homies behind closed doors is one thing. He’s live-streaming calling LL a widow and plotting to smash after year tf. People are mourning and you talking about smashing the person who’s probably mourning the most. Flat our disrespectful never mind ignorant.
Any ***** plotting on a widow after a few days is a weirdo. Period.
And that's perfectly fine, TO YOU!!!!

Just like any person plotting on cashing in when their relatives pass away is weird to a lot of people, but it happens all the time. Hell, some are wishing death to cash in.

You acting like everyone in the world should feel sorry for a widow.

Not everyone in the world is knew the widows husband.
Not everyone in the world cared about the widows husband.
Not everyone in the world is going to pass an opportunity if it presented it self by the widows husband.

And that doesnt makes then weird, that makes them humans.
The biggest issue being he was on live. saying that with your homies behind closed doors is one thing. He’s live-streaming calling LL a widow and plotting to smash after year tf. People are mourning and you talking about smashing the person who’s probably mourning the most. Flat our disrespectful never mind ignorant.
The best and most comprehensive take IMO about the situation.

Not that he said it while in conversation with his people, but because he said it to the world.
I don't understand why some people think their morals and opinions are gospel?

If it's common fact that a person shouldnt be talking about someone's wife, especially when she's a widow, why did it happen? People are jumping out not because Nipsey is dead, but because it's Nipsey.

Now, obviously I have been saying everyone and that's an exaggeration. There are people that morals tells them to grief and psyche makes then feel bad and not have those thoughts, but others are literally animals, they see an opportunity regardless of circumstances. Does this make one a better person than the other?? Depends who you ask.

Ya miss me with people want to play dumb ... no, you want to play dumb and act like different people handle situations differently and not everyone is alike.

If this would be a random dude with a fine woman and she made headlines because she was the finest widow, all the comments would be

Low key wood
I'll make her feel better
Etc etc

Yes, I agree with a lot of people, this woman is mourning and you are a public figure making poor comments, but in certain Kodak was not the 1st or last person to think, damn RIP Nipsey, qhats good LL??
Always the one guy going against the grain using bank logic just to be different.
Always the one guy going against the grain using bank logic just to be different.
Yeah, let you tell it.

You and your fake morality is not going to persuade me. I dont care how you feel and I dont care how you think others should feel. Your morals are yours, they dont make you better than the next.

If you got "he wants to go against the grain" from my reply. Good job, you played yourself.
Yeah, let you tell it.

You and your fake morality is not going to persuade me. I dont care how you feel and I dont care how you think others should feel. Your morals are yours, they dont make you better than the next.

If you got "he wants to go against the grain" from my reply. Good job, you played yourself.
How do I have faux morality sir? You can’t use that emotional don’t make sense logic on me because I think you’re frauding to be different. Secondly who tried to persuade you or any of this other garbage you insinuating human? I said what I said and you either agree or don’t. It makes me no difference. All this whining cry baby business because you’re out here being a fake contrarian and I said as much is unbecoming. I could never play myself by calling a fraud a fraud. If it makes you feel better though you can think I played myself fraud. Ye shrug
Yeah, let you tell it.

You and your fake morality is not going to persuade me. I dont care how you feel and I dont care how you think others should feel. Your morals are yours, they dont make you better than the next.

If you got "he wants to go against the grain" from my reply. Good job, you played yourself.

i think da consensus was "too soon"

ill give you a good example to bolster your point..look at Steve J and Faith Evans gettin married...

you KNOW steve was plottin on that since big was alive..but it look what.... almost 20 years to basically encroach on Big's widow and i still heard murmrus about be type funny for that, but folks let it go cuz faith wanted to be happy.
i think da consensus was "too soon"

ill give you a good example to bolster your point..look at Steve J and Faith Evans gettin married...

you KNOW steve was plottin on that since big was alive..but it look what.... almost 20 years to basically encroach on Big's widow and i still heard murmrus about be type funny for that, but folks let it go cuz faith wanted to be happy.

Ive seen people give him **** when they first emerged to be a thing
How do I have faux morality sir? You can’t use that emotional don’t make sense logic on me because I think you’re frauding to be different. Secondly who tried to persuade you or any of this other garbage you insinuating human? I said what I said and you either agree or don’t. It makes me no difference. All this whining cry baby business because you’re out here being a fake contrarian and I said as much is unbecoming. I could never play myself by calling a fraud a fraud. If it makes you feel better though you can think I played myself fraud. Ye shrug

A good intellectual laugh. Thanks!
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