Roc Raida has died.

Originally Posted by DJ bana

this is why he was ILL.
we lost one of the all time greats today y'all...


one of my biggest inspirations...

here's the video that officially got me sprung on turntablism in 1997... i had heard q-bert's "demolition pumpkin squeeze" mixtape in 1995,but seeing this video was the final straw for me... my boy and i musta rewound this joint a million times studying this cat's steez on the wheels...

Roc Raida on the zoo york mixtape skate video:

i had the pleasure of opening a show for the x-men/x-ecutioners (along with souls of mischief, aceyalone, & rasco) back in 2001, and when i was soundchecking the equipment, Raida, Rob Swift, Sinista, & Total Eclipse came up and got in on a scratch jam with me... later Raida gave me some of his"beats for jugglers" records and mixtapes (the comedy skits on them joints are HILARIOUS)...

dude was nothing but nice...

DJing wouldn't be the same without him, beat juggling certainly wouldn't be...

and i can't think of anyone better at body tricks...

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