Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

This guy won too.

he saw on niketalk that we foresaw the winner and had to name a second person the winner so it would save face. lol.
the first dude did have the best collection though. but they know each other. hows it fair for him to join the contest? :smh: :lol:
So 2 more kith employees leaving, I wonder what's going on
Jumping the Aaron hasbeen ship before it sinks LMAO

No but seriously, 2 employees leaving does not indicate an exodus. I wouldn't read too much into it.
Probably because they want to get real jobs. Who aspires to work in retail all their life?

Alot of people. More than just the interfacing with the customer which that too some people excel at and love. Take it from somebody with a "real job" it can (frequently) be soul sucking. Do what you love the money will come if you work hard and are inventive and industrious. That said yeah maybe they did just move.
it's a retail store.

do you say the same thing when Jeff from the Gap finds a Job at Wetzel's Pretzel?
Is that wack logo able to be removed without damaging the premium aluminum foil heel cap?

I'm sure it will be the first mod people will make. The heel is solid enough to take handle it as it feels like fiber glass -- its not.

The only concern is the stitch marks if they will be evident/visible
One of his best releases ever.
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