Ronnie Fieg Collabs - Tracking order link

my girl sent her pair to my house

so i have 2 pairs coming to my address

am i gonna get the cancellation email 
Yeah you lost.
So if it says unfulfilled that means it won't go through?
Yeah you lost.
Congrats to everyone..I had a 12 in car but kept getting an error message..Pretty bummed..Wanted the trail boost
L on every hyped release. Never work out for me. Hope for the best at consortium accounts store.
Grats to those who copped.
first time i paid for an add-to-cart-service....i kinda feel ashamed and hope they fail and refund while i score on team manual! 
and so it happened......also a friend of mine got up early and got another one for me, he has an insane internet speed though.

this is so awesome! 
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