Rules for your son VOL....when in doubt WIO

If the ***** taste like fish don't give her no ****.
I can't wait to teach my son the finger test. Slide that finger down the first and give it a sniff. If that joint smell like fish cancel that bish
sound like gucci lyrics
Condoms DO expire.
Always pack extra drawers.
Yes, they are talking about you. Keep doing the right thing.
If you're in the bathroom, lock the door, please. I know.
Don't be like your old man AZWILDCATS and buy cheap deodorant. Spend the extra few dollars and get the good stuff :smh:
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.

Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann, Desiderata
-Don't ever let them see you sweat.

-The best reaction is no reaction.

-You are a god amongst men, act like it.

-Pics or ducktales.
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Advice my dad gave to me

"Don't dim the light of others, just make yours shine brighter."
My dad was a deadbeat but, my older cousin and uncle taught me:

Importance of intelligence/reading a lot
Importance of condoms
Schooled me on drugs
Schooled me on women
Taught me about being well groomed
Art and drawing
How to throw hands/proper posture

My mom taught me how to have a slick mouth :smile:lol), proper manners and etiquette, stand up for myself and my beliefs, and always give eye contact

Not rules, but things they will be taught.

My daddy told me a long time ago
Said there's two things son
Two things you should know
And in these two things you must take pride
That's a horse and woman, yeah
Well both of them you ride

You find the pretty girls, and then you love them
And then you say goodbye

-Lynyrd skynyrd
Never drink cheap liquor
Never trust anyone named Terry. I've never known a Terry (any spelling), male or female, worth a ****.
Don't smoke cigs

Always do/respect what your mom says

Grades come first

Take care of your body
I remember my pops always saying these quotes to me coming up..

-Look, listen, and learn.

-A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

-Nothing beats a failure but a try.
- never make fun of a man doing honest work.

- you can tell alot about a man by the way he coils a hose

-the only person who can answer their phone at the table is a doctor.

-you dont buy a halloween make it.

-on a date....make sure her seat has the best view of the restaurant

- no one likes a good guesser while opening presents

-never request a joke or impression. Theyre not as good on demand

- you dont choose your nickname

- a handshake beats an autograph

- a suntan isnt's earned

- All guns are loaded

"She may look like a younger version of your moms hot sister.
But dont have sex with your cousin"
Never spend so much time thinking about the past that you forget to live in the present and work towards the future

Everyone is running from something

The most selfless people can end up being the most selfish

If you're going to regret not doing it later, do it now

You can have similar interests and get along with someone, but that doesn't mean you can truly connect with them on a deeper level

Keep like-minded people close to you, there are fewer of them out there than you might think

Just because you're a good person doesn't mean things will work out for you

Never get comfortable, keep striving for more

Some people just can't be taken seriously

The only thing you can trust is your gut
Save save till it hurts

Learn to say no

The best decision is usually the first one you think of

Don't be afraid to fight but don't look for one

Maintain frame

Don't take **** from anyone

  • There is no substitute for hard work.
    When you're shooting around at the playground and someone makes a shot, ALWAYS give them their change.
    No matter what job you have, you will never love it 100% of the time.
    The grass isn't always greener on the other side.
If a woman ever rejects you then let her know she's missing out on a guy who is intellectual, cool, athletic/in-shape, successful, ambitious, going places in life, not bad looking, respectful, protective, strong when needed, sensitive when needed, expressive, self-confident and can deal with adversity and come out on top anyway.
If I am ever blessed with a son, he isn't gonna be some yuppy poser. I'm not going to buy him a Harley, I'm going to help him build one. Same if he wants a classic car.

Also gonna make sure he appreciates all kinds of music.

"You are what you are, wherever you are." Never hide your colors.
-Be straight up with women, don't play them. If you do mess around and don't want a relationship, let them know up front before you do anything.
-Help people when you can.
-Common courtesy.
-Common Sense.
-Act polite, respect elders.
-Read often.
-Research whatever you're interested in and master it if it's a passion that's useful.
-don't follow what's cool, be an individual and be proud of it.
-I'll explore everywhere with him just expand his mind.
-Be persistent.
-Put effort into everything worth that's worthwhile(I feel like this generation thinks it's cool to be lazy).
-Do the right thing, even it means calling the authorities.
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Respect your parents
Respect your self
Keep your hands clean
Dress nice
Be real with yourself and others
Believe in God
Hard work beats talent
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