Samsung getting sued again.

USB Mass storage mode is easier than iTunes and you'll not have to worry about accidentally duplicating
USB Mass storage mode is easier than iTunes and you'll not have to worry about accidentally duplicating

Nah, from what I've been reading some of the newer Androids don't have USB Mass Storage mode anymore, especially Galaxy S3. It runs in something called MTB mode and you can't just drag & drop, especially if you have a MacBook.

No hate on the phone, I'm just saying
While that is true, are you really questioning Apple's product quality?

Uhhhhh, yeah, we are. Have you been under a rock this past week with all these people getting brand new iphone 5's with dents, scratches, etc.

Run iOS.
At the end of the daym iOS>

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While that is true, are you really questioning Apple's product quality?

I'm questioning both their product quality control (all those iPhone 5's that showed up with dents :smh:) and the actual innovation they put into their phones.

There's really nothing innovative about the 5, and really no advantage in having it over any top Android phone that's come out this year.

So when I say sales=/= product quality, I'm saying people (sheep) will just buy stuff because it's the latest thing from Apple, not because it's actually the best product on the market or even the most useful to them.
There's really nothing innovative about the 5, and really no advantage in having it over any top Android phone that's come out this year.
So when I say sales=/= product quality, I'm saying people (sheep) will just buy stuff because it's the latest thing from Apple, not because it's actually the best product on the market or even the most useful to them.

This, if it had a leg up on every android device out there and did something no other phone can do then sure the hype is warranted. But for it to come out with features other phones have had for over a year and not bring anything new to the table yet still get the sales numbers it does is completely mind boggling. I just don't understand the hype or apple fans complete ignorance to anything else on the market.
This, if it had a leg up on every android device out there and did something no other phone can do then sure the hype is warranted. But for it to come out with features other phones have had for over a year and not bring anything new to the table yet still get the sales numbers it does is completely mind boggling. I just don't understand the hype or apple fans complete ignorance to anything else on the market.

Bro, the stuff on the 5 people be so hype over is almost comical. Got fools on twitter talking about "OMG, I HAVE TURN-BY-TURN NAVIGATION NOW, iOS6 ROCKS" :stoneface: :lol: I had that 3 years ago, that's nothing special
USB Mass storage mode is easier than iTunes and you'll not have to worry about accidentally duplicating
The mass storage was a cool feature in the beginning then it just got annoying. I also had to dl other music apps to be able to see the album covers I spent time organizing. If Google ever developed something similar to itunes or a complete computer backup program then I would go back to them.
Plus there's this, which in addition to changing the adapter is :rolleyes

Here’s the Chip Apple Is Using to Stop You from Buying Cheap Cables

Eric Limer

If you bought yourself an iPhone 5, and are looking for a cheap, third-party lightning adapter to save a couple of bucks, you might want to hold off. There's an authenticator chip in the official adapters, and third-party adapters probably won't work without it.

Peter from Double Helix Cables found the obnoxious little chip while dissecting one of the new, official Lighting cables. Positioned between the cord's USB contact and the power pin on the Lightning plug, the chip seems to be the key to keeping Lighting cables and adapters proprietary. These kind of authentication chips aren't uncommon in more sophisticated accessories, but this is the first time one has shown up in something as basic as a charging cable, smack in the middle of the power line. According the Peter, the chip doesn't block the data lines, but you need data and power to connect by USB. That could mean any number of things.

Here's the Chip Apple Is Using to Stop You from Buying Cheap Cables

This could mean that it's less nefarious than a authentication system, that it's just for power regulation - but it looks like a serious microcontroller of some sort, it doesn't look like a garden variety voltage regulator that I've ever seen. It has a mirror-finish shiny metal exterior with lasered numbers on it, it does not look like a generic black IC. If it really costs $3.50 for a lightning plug, then it could be something quite high tech. Whatever it is, it's expensive and highly miniaturized. And the cable isn't going to function without it, that I can tell at this point.

"There is basically no way [third-party adapters] are functional cables," Peter told Apple Insider. "You can't just build a Lightning cable by making something with the same shape and connectivity." That means that all those third-party connectors out there will fit the ports on your devices, sure, but they probably aren't going to actually work. What looks like a $10, $20, or $30 savings could very well wind up being a waste, so if you're in a hurry, official adapters are probably the best bet.

If you aren't, you can sit tight and see if someone can figure out how to fake those chips, but it could wind up being pretty difficult. Peter put it this way in an email to us:

Here's the Chip Apple Is Using to Stop You from Buying Cheap Cables

It remains to be seen whether the chip can be reverse engineered. Nobody that I know of managed to crack the MFi program before, since digital Apple docks and other MFi certified stuff were always quite costly and only coming from well established name brands that participated in the program. I never saw any off brand, super cheap version of the iPod USB digital audio interfaces that cost hundreds of dollars. If the chip has some code on board that makes it authenticate with the iPhone, then it may be hard to duplicate for sure. If it's doing a "smart" function like pin assignment or something crazy like that, then it definitely is going to be mandatory. Apple has said it's a "smart" connector but it is horrifying that just a basic power charging/sync cord like this requires additional complexity. But until some serious engineers figure out exactly what the chips do (MFi people are under NDA so I don't think they can tell us without breaking NDA) then it remains open for debate why this cable is like this.

It could take some serious engineering brain-power to get to the bottom of what this chip is actually doing. Until then, first-party is the only surefire option. [Apple Insider, Peter (Double Helix Cables)]
Not surprised. A thread about LG and Samsung has turned into something else. No one's even talking about LG anymore.
So what are people using their phones for that inspires such fandom? Is it really that serious? Are people so ached to their phones that they care about the chipset, incremental browser speeds, and marginal advantages in reception that make it such a huge issue?
Best selling? Yes. In terms of picture quality . No way in hell especially in their LEDs

Do you or have you ever owned a Samsung PLASMA, LED OR LCD?

I had the LNA650 LCD which was, at the time, one of the top rated picture quality on an LCD

I have a 59D8500 and a Panny 65GT50 and they're equally the best picture I've ever had.

Samsung/Panasonic> Sony all that other junk.

McDonald's sells the most burgers in the world.
I guess they make the best burgers right?

Yes, cause we're comparing $3 burgers to $3k T.V.s

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So what are people using their phones for that inspires such fandom? Is it really that serious? Are people so ached to their phones that they care about the chipset, incremental browser speeds, and marginal advantages in reception that make it such a huge issue?
Actually 3g vs 4g speeds, turn by turn navigation vs NOT, 4.5 inch screen vs 3.5 inch screen,and no flash video functionality are all pretty big deals. Even on NT, how often do we see people reply to topics, "p4l, can't see video on my iPad?" But the whole adapter thing, doesn't get worst in terms of corporate greed than that and kats are still going to eat it up.
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