San Francisco Giants vs. Arizona Diamondbacks Series Thread (5/27 - 5/29)

Back to back nice innings with old man Durham following Molina and Rowand's lead. Sanchez also pitching well so far.
10-0 giants so far
Forget Josh Hamilton,Chipper Jones and Lance Berkman...The hottest player in baseball by far is Bengie Molina...14 for 21 in his last 5 games and 23 for 38 inhis last 10 games...
Game 3 Starting Pitchers: Barry Zito vs. Randy Johnson

[table][tr][th="col"]B. Zito SF
[/th] [td]vs.[/td] [th="col"]R. Johnson Ari
[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1-8[/td] [th="row"]Record[/th] [td]4-1[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5.65[/td] [th="row"]ERA[/th] [td]4.03[/td] [/tr][tr][td]27[/td] [th="row"]K[/th] [td]47[/td] [/tr][tr][td]28[/td] [th="row"]BB[/th] [td]12[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1.80[/td] [th="row"]WHIP[/th] [td]1.32[/td] [/tr][/table]
Do you guys foresee a sweep in the series? Let's hope so. Hope that Bengie continues to stay hot and Rowand as well. Barry Zito in line to win his secondgame, let's do it baby!

Go Giants!
I hate to be a pessimist, but I can't say I'm confident we'll sweep tonight with the Big Paycheck going up against the Big Unit. I'll justcross my fingers and hope our bats stay hot and the DBacks offense continues to struggle.
It wasn't pretty, but we got the win. Zito pitched alright again, but he has those times where he just can't stop serving up pitches to hit.Fortunately the defense bailed him out of one potentially huge inning tonight. Anyways, time to head back home to face the Pads.
great win. sweeping the dbacks has gotta give the team a huge boost.

Zito had another okay game and it was also nice to see the bullpen hold up
Great job to the bullpen for holding it down. Giving the offense a chance to comeback.

First time sweeping an opponent this season.
Did anyone hear about the fire today in the Dugout Store at AT&T Park? My girlfriend was trying to tell me about it earlier, and she said that most of themerch was damaged, so it was gonna be on sale. We'll see if I can grab a dugout jacket on the cheap. I'll let you guys know what's up, if anything.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

yo...if you're talking about this being on the cheap:


then please report back

I need that jacket in my life!!!

Oh and good win today for the Giants... I still hate Randy Winn but ehh... he had a good game today and swinging a hot bat lately. I'll give himthat much.
^You know if he keeps this up you'll befriend him and become his #1 fan. JK.

Good sweep for the Giants. I think the Giants won't be out of the chase until it's mathematically over. I do hope the Giants take care of the Padresover the weekend.
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

yo...if you're talking about this being on the cheap:


then please report back

I think that's the one from last season, or a couple or seasons ago. The shop should be carrying the new one with Therma Base!


I've been wanting a dugout jacket for years, but not for $120.
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