Santa Cruz cops confiscate a 2 pound marijuana joint Vol. Nor Cal >*

They were just asking for that to happen.

If you keep to yourself and don't act stupid, no cop in california is going to mess with you over some bud.

:lol: @ the stupid kid talking about seeing the cop in he's going to sue the police officer for taking his huge joint away from him....:lol:
Even when I used to indulge and burned a half ouncer the thing had to be split in half in order for it to smoke right lol. They were just showing off because they knew they could lol. Too bad I hit up Picnic Day instead of this.
Damn, that J was hella dope. 
But honestly that joint was just a prop for everyone to use for instagram...#instagramstraightflexin. Whats the point of smoking a 2 pound joint if you don't have the pics to show off? :lol:
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