Secrets About Your Job...

I will never look at chinese food the same again.

I just started working as a Data Analyst for a firm that manages dentistry offices. I don't know of any secrets but hope to find some in the future
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

My job is your typical corporate world that I didn't know was real. Brown nosing gets you places, little man syndrome runs rampant, women sleep around to get up in the world, married men do sleep with their secretaries, hook ups happen all the time with employees after happy hours, and most all young people are stuck up corny idiots that think their crap don't stink.

I hate it but it pays the most.
wraps up what I was thinking, thanks bruh
I used to work at a school.

Everyone says "it's all about the kids."

It's not about the kids.
Originally Posted by Oxygen

We just throw your mail around like no one care! if you receive something broken in the mail you can blame USPS.

My boy is a driver for UPS and sometimes he gets packages with the word "fragile" written big on them. He tells me he tries to rough those up more than the usual boxes.
All the RA's I knew were %*+@#$% dirtbags for the most part
I never had an issue with them but if they didn't like you, they'd go out of their way to +%!% around with you.

Work in the corporate scene as well and I deal with/see the same stuff on a daily basis.
I no longer work there, but at my previous job in a financial services firm:

We would turn down HIGH revenue projects all the time. Call the client after and see if they trust you to do it on your own time at a slightly lower price.

We had access to tons of confidential and private information. Took no care of it at all, and some one with a bad mind could take several thousand people to the cleaners.

Had access to tons of celebs/politicians financial data. Most aren't as rich as you'd think (especially celebs).

Everyone is nice to the hottest girl in the department, and she was always getting new "mentors."

Lots of "financial advisors" know less about stocks than people on the Yahoo! Finance message boards. Buyer beware. I'd be very careful about who I trust my money with.
When I worked at UPs, the damage that was done to boxes and whatnot was hilarious. All they did was retape it. Even if half the crap fell out they wouldn't care. Moist people dont insure their packages so not a single damb was given

At a crappy accounting firm. The peoplel who look rich are usually poor and the poor looking people are usually rich. Also you can do whatever you want if you kiss butt enough. Girl at my job calls one of the partners dad and his secratary mom. Like who does that. Worse part is shorty is a 22 year old black female while the other two are 50 something white people. SMH. She got two raises since she started working here and I got none. yeah i'm mad.
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Used to work in debt collections. If you get a call saying you will be taken to court unless you pay this debt that you owed from X amount of years ago, plus a ridiculous amount of interest that's accrued over the years, 99.9% of the time nothing will happen to you if you don't pay.



Originally Posted by mackmittenzz

I work construction and I seen my boss sniff pills, coworkers get high too, also if there is any type of shortcut, it will be done. Example, not disinfecting the entire job on a mold job, not putting the weed guard down before mulching, if the toilet isn't in dukes will straight take a dump in a bucket, just overall straight ratchetness

So true... I've seen a lot working in construction as a laborer...

I used to work for a small construction company, all types of different contracts we had... residential, commercial, government, etc...

Race is a big issue in construction... A lot of racist and click-%@! people... Hispanics, blacks, and whites mostly stay to themselves, respectively... And they'll say/do some foul ishh to the next man... Esp if they don't like you...

Contractors don't really care how a project gets done, as long as it gets done... And the sooner the better... The get a ton of extra $$$ if a project is completed ahead of schedule, so they'll cut a lot of corners just to get work done early...

Workers use the bathroom almost anywhere they please... ANYWHERE

I've worked with a lot of dudes that used to get high on the job... Weed, pills, sherm, alcohol... all that whilst N's was on duty...

And if its a small hole, crevis, cut on the site, est believe someone uses that to catch ZZzzZZ's... Dudes used to sleep in dumpsters on one job I was on...

The worst construction jobs are the ones in residential areas, esp. the hood/trap...

I'll return to include some input on the retail world...
Originally Posted by fuzynguyen

Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Used to work in debt collections. If you get a call saying you will be taken to court unless you pay this debt that you owed from X amount of years ago, plus a ridiculous amount of interest that's accrued over the years, 99.9% of the time nothing will happen to you if you don't pay.


Spoiler [+]
Originally Posted by 11wordisbond

Used to work in debt collections. If you get a call saying you will be taken to court unless you pay this debt that you owed from X amount of years ago, plus a ridiculous amount of interest that's accrued over the years, 99.9% of the time nothing will happen to you if you don't pay.

 Won't your credit score be affected?
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by SoleAsian

Originally Posted by Oxygen

We just throw your mail around like no one care! if you receive something broken in the mail you can blame USPS.

My boy is a driver for UPS and sometimes he gets packages with the word "fragile" written big on them. He tells me he tries to rough those up more than the usual boxes.
Your boys a jerkoff
why do so many of yall lack pride in your own jobs and lives? This country is going to hell man, and yall sitting here laughing about it- "ya, i do crappy work and im a loser, who cares"  Get The Eff Outta here

sounds like someone who had their package stepped on
Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by SoleAsian

My boy is a driver for UPS and sometimes he gets packages with the word "fragile" written big on them. He tells me he tries to rough those up more than the usual boxes.
Your boys a jerkoff
why do so many of yall lack pride in your own jobs and lives? This country is going to hell man, and yall sitting here laughing about it- "ya, i do crappy work and im a loser, who cares"  Get The Eff Outta here

sounds like someone who had their package stepped on

who wouldn't be mad if their package got goofed up and it wasn't insured
Originally Posted by Oxygen

We just throw your mail around like no one care! if you receive something broken in the mail you can blame USPS.

Hell @$!*!* yeah...I used to work at UPS and people would play legit soccer with some of the boxes. Anything heavy was treated like a shipment of adamantium. Oh, and let's just say they could tell which boxes contained cell phones, jewelry, and other precious and portable items. They caught fools smuggling diamonds out in bottles of water on some Ocean's 8.50/hr ***+. That place was wild...

my former place of employment.

if you've purchased a phone or phone accessories (bluetooth, case, chargers ect) you can return them to a CORPORATE store to J them out or exchanger them for the same or new accessory within the first year for any reason. We have a problem with people simply doing this once a year for YEARS and theres no real way to regulate it... so if your case is busted looking or your car charger or bluetooth is just old... turn it in.

also if your a new customer, you have a lot of juice. meaning you can ask for a $50-$100 credit on your first bill being a new customer and if its the end of the month especially your likely to get it because of the sheer thirst managers have.

feedback is everything. if you complain that your getting poor service by a store rep or if they're not appreciating the $2K your kicking to at&t each year? talk to a manager, i've seen the squeaky wheel get greased mulitple times to the tone of $100 credits just to keep customers happy. Just mention good ol C.F.T the customer feedback tool.

also if you ever go over on your minutes, simply visit a store, have them call customer care and ask them to change your minute plan for that month and back date your bill. I've done this first hand and saved thousands over my time with the company. the trouble is usally customers just pay it thinking they were in the wrong. you weren't and you have rights...

lastly at&t Uverse is a *%*%%%@ joke. its a terrible service and the bills fluctuate ridiculously. blackouts and multiple times i've seen customers lose internet service for days on end for no explainable reason. those discounts are a joke, you get what you pay for.

one more. 9 time outta 10 you are eligible for SOME TYPE OF DISCOUNT on your at&t cell phone bill. Whether its as a college student, or employee of the state in some respect you can always get at least 15% off your bill which could translate to a free month of service or more. Just ask.

peace guys

and for the record, i left at&t voluntarily and was happy for my time there. I just cant stand when customers over pay for something.
I worked for chain pizza company for a long time and, though this is probably a given, if you give us grief on the phone or are in any other way rude/annoying, your food WILL get messed with.
Doing an internship at an ad agency.

My boss and other employees drink on the job on the regular. Whiskey sours and whiskey cokes all the damn time.
Originally Posted by Matt53

I worked for chain pizza company for a long time and, though this is probably a given, if you give us grief on the phone or are in any other way rude/annoying, your food WILL get messed with.

I work for Papa Johns and if you don't tip you will get a late pizza, it WILL be messed with, and if you call and get a replacement you might as well call somewhere else because I wouldn't eat it. But, if you do tip you WILL get a pizza in under 30 minutes, made extra good and maybe some extra stuff thrown in. There's a guy that tips 15 on every order. he gets free soda, those little garlic cups, might even shave off a dollar or 2 just cause. You really do get what you pay for.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Running Fishy can you tell me anything bad about General Tso Tso' chicken, fried chicken, or how they handle their french fries?

The joints that sell french fries are fusion type drive inns.  Not too much chinese spots sell french fries, unless you're from cali or one of those areas that cater towards the general taste.

Anyhow, the worst thing about any 'fried' food spot is the fact that they 're-use' the oil and don't change it too often.  Spots like McDonalds and Chinese restaurants would hardly change their oil.  They would only change it if the oil turns the food too 'yellow' or 'orange'.  Do you know why they call it orange chicken?  It's because the fryer left stains on the chicken and they decided to 'color' coat it and sell it.

Oils would be changed ever 3 weeks or longer, depending.

Oh yeah, also they would always coat left over roast duck and swhat not in the fryer. 
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

RunningFishy ,

What about the chicken wings. Not the separated ones but the whole chicken wings that are sold at these spots. Are those legit? I do know they are all fried in the AM and kept in a warmer and then are just flash fried whenever someone orders them. I can't imagine how many chicken wings are gone through in a day.

Spots do it differently but only certain types of skins are 'flash fried', like the roast duck I talked about.  Chicken wings are real pieces of chicken, but how they are prepared is dependant on the style.  Some skin types will not do well if they are re-fried.  My spot would re-fry things like roast duck cuz it could be used for a lot of things, but more so the way the skin is made works out well.  It's fat and oily and makes good in the fryer..  The chicken wings I saw were done fresh, where they were 'pre-coated' and they just threw them in the fryer like how they do it w/ french fries.

When I talked to other co-workers that worked at spots liek KFC, that was the worst.  They do not even rinse the damn chicken and just cook that crap directly.  They say they would just throw the chicken in with  the sludge, thaw, and blood just in the cooker.. So gross. 
Since seeing first hand how things worked, I no longer go to spots like KFC.  Oddly, I feel more relieved when I go to spots like Cheesecake factory where they hire the convicts in the back and open window kitchen. lolz

One last thing about your CURRY DON.  Curry is the most MSG, most left over thing ever.  It's literally re-used over and over and they very very rarely make a new batch.  That's why it's best to avoid any STEW or CURRY, unless you know for sure, it's made fresh daily, but I doubt that.

=X shssh. no say
RunningFishy got me permanently sworn off hood Chinese spots...I didn't eat it much to begin with, but I just had a whole lifestyle change on NT.
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