Serious question, What is stopping you from turning to a life of crime in order to achieve "wealth"

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

I'm not possessed with being filthy rich, therefore I don't have the urge to cross the line in attaining an overabundance of money.

There it is.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Contrary to popular belief a life of crime is not the easy way out.

Whoever thought illegal was the easy way out couldn't understand the mechanics and the workings of the underworld.
Buhlee me I got a whole plan for "that life" that Im positive would work. But my parents worked hard to get me where I am now and would trip hard if they knew I was about "that life"
I got fam that live that life...It doesn't interest me cause I don't have time to be in and out of court/jail

I do wanna start a bookie business tho....edit: Keep my name out ya mouth peep game...u busy streaming me but comparing dudes in jail to me smh
Can't gamble feeding your baby on that dope money... might not always be sufficient.
Originally Posted by 2morrowbegins2day

My heart. I won't want to blatantly ruin someone's life just to get ahead.

this, won't sit well with my conscience.  I would have killed a few people had it not been for the law, tho 
There is an african american dude not too far away from me near Elmont, NY.  This dude has a new Panamera Turbo and a new S65 AMG parked up at a house, a old and F***** up house at that.  There's always mad dudes hanging in front his crib and they all look like drug dealers.  Some times i just think to myself..@+%!..i need to do what they're doing.  Then i realize..they'll probably only be living like that for a few months and then they will be suffering anal damage. 
Originally Posted by Sleaze Jar Omens

been there, the bad things outweigh the good. I have a mouth to feed and if I go down for some dumb %*!% I'd never forgive myself and neither would she.

also Fleece Johnson. my bootyhole too sacred, b.

- I STILL have nightmares about that dude and his enthusiasm concerning booty.
   He was sooo forceful / demanding with it

                   ("I likes ya, I wants ya -- now we can do this the easy way or the hard way



- Never!
Originally Posted by f360spyder

There is an african american dude not too far away from me near Elmont, NY.  This dude has a new Panamera Turbo and a new S65 AMG parked up at a house, a old and F***** up house at that.  There's always mad dudes hanging in front his crib and they all look like drug dealers.  Some times i just think to myself..@+%!..i need to do what they're doing.  Then i realize..they'll probably only be living like that for a few months and then they will be suffering anal damage. 

Lol is the panamera black ?
who ever said illegal was the easy way out
could understand the mechanics
or the workings of the underworld, granted
9-5 is how u survive, i aint tryna survive, im tryna live it to the limit and love it alot

just realized my boy ruxxx beat me to it, damn you!
Itd be a lifetime of troubles.....
Paranoia over everything falling apart, everyone gunnin for you, everyone gunnin for your family....

i got too much to lose to risk getting caught up even if the rewards seem tempting at times.

aside from that it's too much sheistyness and grimeyness. not worth it to me to always have to be strapped and know people could be plotting on you if your doing it big. you don't have to only worry about you getting caught but also others around you getting caught that can't handle it when things get hot and start snitching.

i can't knock those that are getting their money though, as long as their not selling to little kids it's fair game to me.
It is a shame that in this society we've been taught to judge a man's worth by what he owns instead of who he is. Everything is surface, and so few look beyond it. A man will sell his soul, he will lie, cheat and steal, for money. If he has it, he can buy respect. Wear the right clothes, drive the right car, have the right friends, that's all that matters. Our lives are consumed in a selfish, self absorbed quest for possessions, the latest and the best in a never-ending cycle until the day we die. We forget what it means to be truly human. We forget the things that really matter. We lose the magic of what life should be.
thing is being a good person isn't going to put food on the table for your fam. Its almost as if you have to become enslaved in the 9 to 5 world or create your own "job"
LuckyLuchiano wrote:
thing is being a good person isn't going to put food on the table for your fam. Its almost as if you have to become enslaved in the 9 to 5 world or create your own "job"

And if you really believe this, you'll never succeed.
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