Seriously considering taking a crack at modeling...

Originally Posted by RyanNYC

you don't have %+%$$+ eyes for a African American if you consider your self one... your not rare sorry

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

what is your background, you look like this dude I know.
yeah brandon T 

First time I think i've heard brandon T references, but yah I have a bit of native america/white some generations back, but my folks just look like lightskinned black people really
Originally Posted by zapatohead408

I feel as if shoefreakbaby is hitting on O.P

 lol Im not my old roommate was heavy into that modeling stuff,I heard a lot from her
Its an extremely racist business but since OP is light skin he could def get a macys catalog.

They either like extremely dark for "real" modeling or light for commercial magazines.

dont worry zap
Originally Posted by ksteezy

You look like dude from tropic thunder

 I damb near spit my cereal on the computer screen after reading that ksteezy. 
Other than that on a serious note, good luck OP because modeling is tough and sometimes the shelf-life of a model can be short if you don't take care of your body and keep up the trends for your appearance. This is coming from someone who's worked with and known personally a few models (both male and female) just make sure they don't deter you to the "other industry."
^ I think it has to do with features over skin color. Like if a dude has striking features and can take a great photo he's in regardless. High fashion male models are my favorite only topped by soccer players and swimmers.
Yeah features for sure, but I just dont see op getting into high fashion he looks good but he doesnt have cheekbones to the sky like that red dude in the rihanna video.
Its like the kate upton thing.
Go for It. Ive modeled Part Time for years.I Never blew up big time but you can find some gigs to pay your bills for extra money. It all depends on who likes your looks and your connections. And one of my Boys models full-time and hes signed to a big agency. He's 6'3 190 dont believe that weight nonsense. But Modeling is a real grimey business. I've traveled to NY (I'm from Boston) for a runway show. Designer didnt like how clothes fit me. Couldnt walk in the show. Didnt get paid. Things like that happen.
How does one..."take a crack at modeling?" do you put a book together and send to agencies? do you walk into modeling agencies and ask for an interview or something?
Anyway.  Asking a message board full of men if you should be a male model probably isn't the best place.  But go for it OP the worst they can say is no.  No harm no foul 
i don't mean to thread jack but, im kinda interested in the modeling thing. I'm 24 and tatted....maybe urban wear? karmaloop or urban outfitters or something
Originally Posted by SkysTheLimitHP

i don't mean to thread jack but, im kinda interested in the modeling thing. I'm 24 and tatted....maybe urban wear? karmaloop or urban outfitters or something

Urban Outfitters only hires High Fashion Models. KarmaLoop only Shoots in Boston.
Originally Posted by Jking0821

How does one..."take a crack at modeling?" do you put a book together and send to agencies? do you walk into modeling agencies and ask for an interview or something?
Anyway.  Asking a message board full of men if you should be a male model probably isn't the best place.  But go for it OP the worst they can say is no.  No harm no foul 
This thread did go off path a bit....I was really just asking to see if anyone had any previous exp. and what not, but of course whats a thread w/ out pics
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Yeah features for sure, but I just dont see op getting into high fashion he looks good but he doesnt have cheekbones to the sky like that red dude in the rihanna video.
Its like the kate upton thing.

I can see OP in seventeen magazine. I was looking at that dude from Rihanna's video and he looks like a beautiful cicada. His cheekbones don't do it for me because he doesn't have a strong chin to match. He gets by because of certain features he has.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Yeah features for sure, but I just dont see op getting into high fashion he looks good but he doesnt have cheekbones to the sky like that red dude in the rihanna video.
Its like the kate upton thing.
Yah I agree that I don't really have the high fashion look, mostly considering just print work I suppose,  like a Target or Macy's ad
Originally Posted by AreYouDeeWhy

Originally Posted by SkysTheLimitHP

i don't mean to thread jack but, im kinda interested in the modeling thing. I'm 24 and tatted....maybe urban wear? karmaloop or urban outfitters or something

Urban Outfitters only hires High Fashion Models. KarmaLoop only Shoots in Boston.

im in nyc. I'm sure theres gotta be something for me. I just have no idea where to start
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Yeah features for sure, but I just dont see op getting into high fashion he looks good but he doesnt have cheekbones to the sky like that red dude in the rihanna video.
Its like the kate upton thing.

I can see OP in seventeen magazine. I was looking at that dude from Rihanna's video and he looks like a beautiful cicada. His cheekbones don't do it for me because he doesn't have a strong chin to match. He gets by because of certain features he has.
I was thinking seventeen in my head 
. Op looks better than that dude in the video he looks weird, but thats why he gets play.

Look for local castings, most want you to already have an agent but they have "non agent" days.

general info
Originally Posted by Jking0821

How does one..."take a crack at modeling?" do you put a book together and send to agencies? do you walk into modeling agencies and ask for an interview or something?
Anyway.  Asking a message board full of men if you should be a male model probably isn't the best place.  But go for it OP the worst they can say is no.  No harm no foul 

First you have to take a crapload of headshots and profile shots (in business wear and casual for starters).
You go in and depending on the agency, they'll interview you and look at your shots. If you're good to go, you'll start getting paid for every small gig you do. Whether it's calendar, magazine, commercial or photoshoot. It's also wise to compile these photos in a portfolio so you can post it on sites with many photographers looking for specific models (ie: model mayhem and the occasional hollywood/NYC music/video production shoot).

Again this also varies on the types of industries you are going for: If it's high end : Dolce and Gabbana, Louis Vuitton and etc. It always helps if you're a European (or European looking) Caucasian male.

Now for medium end types of fashion to let's say Urban Outfitters and the sort. Try not to have tattoos and have what some people would like to call a "Fashionable Slim fit." Most models are very angular and rigid in their faces. As for their bodies, it's a good medium to be not too skinny or too board, think Banana Republic/ Mad Men types if you get my deal.

As for various variables for minorities, I hate to say it but unless you're a celebrity many times it's really hard to cross over and go through all realms of fashion. Rarely do I see successful Asian American models. Then there's a bit more African European and some African American models (Tyson Beckford, Tyrese and etc.) And of course, you have the all common but favorable Caucasian Euro Centric models (can be scruffy, clean shaved, the GQ'esque of the modeling crew); from Ralph Lauren to your local Sear catalogue you see them in full display.
Originally Posted by natelav129

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

You do have a commercial look which is good for a black male model, cause they rarely get run ways.
You do have the look but they are going to tell you to lose weight.


Lost weight, really??

And I'm 21 btw which, surprisingly,  I know is  pushing the limit for newcomers I believe...
dude, go for it, people told me that all the time too, and when i did pursue it i bailed, the agencies wanted me to be more ripped, they wanted my eyes more "open", and then when its all said and done the "look" changes all the time, this year no one might bite, next year ae, colehaan, and aa will want you, its extremely fickle but once you get on youre on
Originally Posted by VeryAnalytical85

Originally Posted by Jking0821

How does one..."take a crack at modeling?" do you put a book together and send to agencies? do you walk into modeling agencies and ask for an interview or something?
Anyway.  Asking a message board full of men if you should be a male model probably isn't the best place.  But go for it OP the worst they can say is no.  No harm no foul 

First you have to take a crapload of headshots and profile shots (in business wear and casual for starters).
You go in and depending on the agency, they'll interview you and look at your shots. If you're good to go, you'll start getting paid for every small gig you do. Whether it's calendar, magazine, commercial or photoshoot. It's also wise to compile these photos in a portfolio so you can post it on sites with many photographers looking for specific models (ie: model mayhem and the occasional hollywood/NYC music/video production shoot).

Again this also varies on the types of industries you are going for: If it's high end : Dolce and Gabbana, Louis Vuitton and etc. It always helps if you're a European (or European looking) Caucasian male.

Now for medium end types of fashion to let's say Urban Outfitters and the sort. Try not to have tattoos and have what some people would like to call a "Fashionable Slim fit." Most models are very angular and rigid in their faces. As for their bodies, it's a good medium to be not too skinny or too board, think Banana Republic/ Mad Men types if you get my deal.

As for various variables for minorities, I hate to say it but unless you're a celebrity many times it's really hard to cross over and go through all realms of fashion. Rarely do I see successful Asian American models. Then there's a bit more African European and some African American models (Tyson Beckford, Tyrese and etc.) And of course, you have the all common but favorable Caucasian Euro Centric models (can be scruffy, clean shaved, the GQ'esque of the modeling crew); from Ralph Lauren to your local Sear catalogue you see them in full display.
thanks for all the info man
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