SHOTS FIRED! Police fatally shoot Guy with a crowbar outside of Carl's Jr. vol. 10 shots though?!?

Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

i wouldn't be a cop in the first place. i wouldn't take a job like that knowing the risks involved.

he came at the guy with a crowbar, not a gun, but a crowbar.

1 guy with a crowbar vs a bunch of cops and k9's. how hard is it to shot the guy below the belt when he's coming at them so that he's subdued without being murdered.

what makes a cops life more valuable then the crowbar guys life though?

if a cop draws a gun on an innocent person for no reason (it happens at times) do they deserve a slug as well?

Okay. Let's say it's not hard and the cop shoots the suspect's thigh where the femoral artery lies and he dies on site with that ONE shot? Would that make it better?  
Originally Posted by Rex Ryan

why shoot him 10 times though? the first chest shot didn't do enough damage?
Why? Because pistols are very poor man stoppers. Firearm ballistics are a funny things and bullets do strange things when they enter the body. Once that cop decide to fire this weapon they are doing it to stop the threat. I can provide examples of suspects who are shot multiple times but still fight until their death. I even have a PDF of a suspect in PA who was shot 17 times with .40 and .223 and was still resisting the officer until he died. The point is unless the cop hit CNC on the first shot than more than likely follow-up shots were needed to stop the threat.
I chose to watch the video first and i must have skimmed over the taser part when i read the original text, so sue me. The video was intense but, what i don't understand is why each officer got within striking distance? Also when they initially tased the suspect why didnt they try a second tase or a secondary non lethal force such as beanbags?
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