Should I get the Galaxy S 3 or wait for the Iphone5?

Thank you everyone for all the feedback, it's much appreciated. It sounds like it's pretty even as to which phone is actually better. Guess I'll just buy the 4s for now and sell it when the G3 or I5 comes out and pay the difference. I hope the G3 comes out first though, because that's what I'm leaning towards.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by AntBanks81

I read that the iPhone 5 won't drop til October or November this year. I'm currently using Evo. I think I'm gonna cop the 4S for now because I want an ipod anyway. I can get the 4S for $110, which is less than the ipod now with twice the hD.


That would be with me getting $90 for my Evo, which is hiding from me at this point.
I went from a blackberry to android for about 6 months now I have an iPhone. My main reason for switching was battery life...I would have to charge my android twice a day even with juice defender. With my iphone i can have wifi, gps, twitter, with music all going and still be fine. I was at the library from 12-6 today doing all the above and I still have 50% My android also froze all the time, wasn't stable on gingerbread, but I did like the push email for it was the worst trying to add music to my android. Most people I know who've switched from android to iPhone did it mostly for battery life and stability...i do miss widgets though...good luck making your decision.
Originally Posted by quik1987

App Store x installous > marketplace

android market + android sideload wonder machine >>>> app store + install0us...
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by quik1987

App Store x installous > marketplace

android market + android sideload wonder machine >>>> app store + install0us...

dont forget

ANY app for free
i think it comes down to what you like the most personally the HTC phones are better at the time cause of the 4g and couple other things but the battery life sucks really bad
I migrated to the iPhone 4s from the Galaxy S2, and a couple months in with the iPhone has been a good experience. It is a good phone, but I will be going back to Android when the S3 comes out. Going from a 4+ inch screen to a 3.5 inch screen was painful. I HATE browsing the web on the iPhone. I'll admit iOS is smoother and simpler than Android, but it isn't enough to make up for the whack web browsing.

If I was you, I'd wait for the S3, or get a S2 in the meanwhile. I miss mine
when does the s3 drop? I literally just bought the s2. will it have good resale value by the time the next one comes out?
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