Should I sell?

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Dec 15, 2013
Hey everyone, I cant even consider myself a "sneakerhead" because there are so many things about Jordans I do not know since I have not purchased any since 2008. I have about 70-80 pairs in my closet and 35-40 of them are unworn. Never even taken out of the box. Just looking at the first few pairs of unworns I see a pair of 3 pure moneys, 3 black cats, a few 6 rings, beijing olympic 6s, 8 aquas, and so on. A few of these pairs would get me 300-500$ on eBay. Should I sell now or hold on to these for the future? I see these as collectables now because the ones that I never wore I have no intentions on wearing.
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it depends on how bad you need the money. if you need it real bad sell the oldest kick you have first for example if you have a pair of og sell it. youre not gonna make money off of shoes that came out 3yrs ago because theyre still in circulation.
I do not need the money at all. Everything I have unworn is from 2006-2008. I guess I should of rephrased my question. If I hold onto these another few years would they be worth more? Or is the price they are at now (some 300-500$) worth getting rid of today?
I do not need the money at all. Everything I have unworn is from 2006-2008. I guess I should of rephrased my question. If I hold onto these another few years would they be worth more? Or is the price they are at now (some 300-500$) worth getting rid of today?

That's like predicting the stock market homie.
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