Simple Enjoyments

Oct 4, 2004
What are some simple things that are currently bringing u joy?

quite time



hookah and listening to some good music

quality conversation
Peeing after holding it in for a long time

Listening to rain drops hit the ground, it calms me
quiet time
playing solitaire
listening to music
trying on clothes
rollerskating (yea i know i'm lame)
Lightin' Ganja
Passionate Sex
Listening to quality music.
Walking outside in great weather
Looking at the clouds

I could go for days...
hearing from/spending time with someone you really care about
driving at night
looking at the stars
talking to my dad
peeing after a long time of holding it in like someone else said
being with my nephews
getting dressed for someplace really nice (the whole picking out an outfit like the first day of school is always a winner)
playing basketball
getting off work
Pointing out the constellations,
jewelry making,
alone time,
and my absolute favorite is woodworking.
I'm working on blueprints and a model now to build my mom a custom canopy bed.
being alone...

a bangin mix on the radio at the 12 oclock hour...when the dj is playin mad 80/90 hits and they mix perfectly
Alone time
Good convo
Talking old stories with friends/family
A good movie
Being around family & good friends
- The look the sky gets just before it rains, also the aura in the air while it rains
- Being around someone of the opposite sex who's on the same..I don't even know what to call it..frequency where words don't even need tobe exchanged
- Walking or Cycling at night
- Fishing..even when im not catching anything
- Seeing happy couples
- Turning all the lights off and vibing to good music
- Dreaming
Rollin a perfect spliff Blazin up an watchin a ILL movie (belly) Blazin up an jumpin on NT (tons o laughs) FIYA threads! Blazin up an cleanin kicks
The Mega Mix
Driving slow with the windows down on a beautiful day
Taking a **** after a big buffet
Taking a piss after waiting for a long time
Fap to big booty *******
Eating Nong Shim noodles outside in the cold
Jumping in the snow naked
Sneezing out big chunk of booger and snot
Farting freely without anybody around
Spoiler [+]
The snow is keeping me inside for too long and I'm feeling really crazy right now
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