Simultaneous terrorist attacks around Paris...Vol. Here we go again.Update 07/14/16 p42: Nice terror

The reason you think all terrorist attacks are committed by Muslims is because the word terrorism is reserved for Muslims.
Who thinks this though?

France is shaken to its core this morning by the attacks in Paris

There is nothing rational, nothing explicable about such an event - experts are wheeled out by TV and Radio stations to offer some kind of understanding, but the truth is, there is none. A terrible violence has gripped the hearts of a small group of people, who have unleashed on total strangers the full force of their fury. Like domestic abuse on a national scale, this is neither politically nor emotionally reasoned. It is a primal violence as destructive on those who perpetrate it as on their victims.

How can we pray for the people of France today?

- We can pray that the God of all consolation - who loves France, and Syria and Iraq, with a love that can neither be counted nor measured - will by his spirit be present with all those caught up in these events. Pray for the bereaved, the wounded, the people of a city currently gripped by fear. The God you pray to is the one in whom ‘we live and move and have our being’, the one who is not far from any one of us. Pray that those gripped by trauma will know him near.

- We can pray for Francois Hollande and his team as they meet to manage a response. A State of Emergency has been declared across the nation - a huge statement of the level of their concern. Pray for wisdom, compassion and strength. There is not a leader on planet earth who does not, at such a time, reach for a strength beyond themselves. Pray that Hollande will find that his maker is there to bless and help him.

- Pray for the French Police, Army and Emergency services. The Paris services were deeply traumatised by the Charlie Hebdo shootings - still a recent wound - how much more will they be shaken by this new horror? They need our prayers. As a resident of France, I can tell you that the way French service personnel respond to a crisis such as this is extraordinary. People will be working extended hours, giving themselves beyond the call of duty to those in need. ‘Solidarité’ is a substantial value in French culture, and you can touch and taste it at such times.

- Pray for Peace. The adoption on Facebook of the new ‘peace for Paris’ symbol is beautiful. Paris remains the world’s best known and most loved tourist destination. It has also proved, in the past seventy years, that it is capable of pursuing peace and living in forgiveness. The speed with which Angela Merkel came to the side of Francois Hollande at the time of the last attack was extraordinary, and proof that peace can reign. If France and Germany can become friends after such a terrible emnity, then this new horror, too, can be swallowed by grace. Pray that it may be so.

Many years ago a book was published about the final years of the occupation of Paris in World War 2. It later became a popular film. It was called Is Paris Burning? Well today, Paris is burning: with grief, with rage, with a deep woundedness. Let’s come together as people, resident or not, who love this city, and pray for her peace and safety, and for the glory of her maker to rise like a new dawn after the darkest of nights.
There's violent scriptures in the bible too :lol:

Y'all fools make it to easy

I think the difference is, in 2015, cats aren't out here using Christianity as the vehicle for mass murder.

People are out here doing a lot of bad **** under that guise (anti gay, 100% pro life, taking peoples money, advocating ignorance, etc), but not mass murder.
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You're right though, we definitely shouldn't blame Islam.

So? The Torah and Bible have these same kinds of passages. Are these also not the Quran?

You cannot also take these passages at face value. You have to take it in context of history.

Prophet Mohammed became a military commander. So his messages and preaching included military laws and code of conduct. The rules claim to use war as a last resort and only if you're persecuted and only to defend yourself.

He also preached that killing one innocent person is like killing all of humankind. He also stated Christians and Jews are People of the Book.

What don't you people understand? ISLAM IS A CONTINUITY OF Judaism and Christianity. It is the same religion but remixed.

But yes, Mohammed did preach things about pagans saying to kill them at times, then again he was persecuted and tempts on his life were made by this pagan tribe. There were political wars going on under the guise of religion.

Some of these passages came out also when alliances broke with certain religious groups. But if the alliances were good, you had lovey dovey passages.

So it was more political. Prophet mohamed even tooj refuge in Abyssinia (Ethiopia) under a Christian king to escape persecution.

In fact,the Qur'an, is more progressive than the Torah and Bible. Prophet mohamed basically just brought forth a pan-Arab nationalist ideology and an empire grew out of his preaching which were used to instill new codes and laws in that region. Think of him as like Napoleon of the Middle East.

He also implemented certain human rights and laws and was big on philanthropy.

He was a genius. Ya there are things that were not cool but then again any leader can have their flaws and act out of line commanding war. You should take him also in the context of that time and history.

He is a fascinating figure.
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"He also implemented certain human rights and laws."

Ask Muslim women in the majority of the Middle East about those human rights they have.
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"He also implemented certain human rights and laws."

Ask Muslim women in the majority of the Middle East about those human they have.

Yes? Ask which country. Not all Muslim women are treated the same or have same laws in different Muslim majority countries.

It is the culture and political aspects that shape the religion.

If you take Islam as when it came out 1500 years ago, it was progressive for the patriarchal society at the time.

It is also ahead of Christianity and Judaism in terms of women's rights.
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You gotta be a weak individual to be lured in by these groups smh.
no you dont..

id argue the opposite

you watch your freinds, families, innocents bombed your whole life by people you have neverrr even come into contact with.. you now have no home, no family, no money, etc etc

when you endure that much it changes your heart, these guys are EXPERT recruiters when all they really need is cash/food/hope

thats what this radicalist islam is all about. turning their despair into vengenace
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Also, what some you need to take into consideration...

In the past 30 years, there's been a perfect storm that has created a violent strain of Islam. The first is political: frustration at Western intervention in the Muslim world. The second is intellectual: the rise of Wahhabi Islam, a more fundamentalist interpretation of Islam subscribed to the likes of Bin Laden and which originates in Saudi Araba. There is also Shia fundamentalism such as in Iran and south Lebanon that have political power.

Fundamentalists have distorted Islam for political purposes.

They take verses out of context and then use that to justify these inhumane actions.

You also need to know the history of the rise of radical Islamism. Islamic fundamentalists were actually funded originally by the western colonizers to fight anti-western and pan-nationalist/secular Arab leaders (ex. The British aided the Muslim brotherhood to attempt to take down Nasser in Egypt).

Another example, Israeli intelligence actually helped to form Hamas and Hezbollah to be a nemesis to the marxist/nationalist and secular Palestinian Liberation Organization. So they were used to create political struggles to weaken the more powerful marxists/nationalists.

The Americans funded the mujahideens to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.

In fact, these fundamentalists used to be quite weak and repressed by arab secular leaders.

BUT when in 1979, you had an Islamic religious movement that threw the western puppet Shah in Iran, that is when radical Islam as a political tool spearheaded and started to spread its power.

So people said...hey our secular nationalist/marxist political ideologies ain't working, let's take this radical islamic ideology as a political tool and as a means to fight western intervention.

People also saw arab secular leaders as only corrupt and western puppets, and Islamic radicalists gained more sympathizers to fight the west.

So the IslamiSt radicals turned against the West that once fed them. Blowback.

Let's not forget ISIS is clearly an intelligence asset of western countries that fund it indirectly to serve its interests in the region. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries were known to fund them and who is allied with Saudi Arabia? The U.S. and other western countries.

So then how can this end? Stop funding them and using them for your interests. It is just a vicious cycle and like a cancer with more splinter cells that branch off and wreak havoc.

But they are a catalyst, you need these groups to serve you interests and fight your proxy wars in the region.

So it is not a matter of just omg it's the muslims need to educate yourselves on the reason why they even exist and what keeps them existing.
Seriously,some of the generalizations have been disgusting. It's getting tiring to say but not all Muslims are extreme,fundamentalist wahabists...

Saying ISIS represents Islam or most Muslims is like saying that domestic terror groups of yesteryear like the KKK represent all Christians/Whites. See how idiotic that sounds? I'd expect most to know better but judging by some of these comments,a lot don't :smh:
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I have Arab friends that were pissed off about that,they felt like no one gave a crap about Beirut the day before. I hear them but it's just the reality of the situation,things are gonna hit home much harder for us living in Western countries when we see images of a city like Paris being attacked than they are when seeing Lebanon, which suffers attacks by ISIS just about every other week, also being attacked. It's unfortunate but that's just the reality of it imo.

I also don't believe in having some sort of oppression olympics to argue which is worse,there's plenty of empathy to go around for each instance imo
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for sure, I agree with you. I'm speaking more about people trying to analyze what's going on with Isis without understanding all the other terrible things happening throughout the world.

the Paris attack deserves all the attention it's getting.
You're right though, we definitely shouldn't blame Islam.

So? The Torah and Bible have these same kinds of passages.


And when Christians and Jews do despicable things in the name of their religion, and people claim that their actions weren't motivated by their faith, feel free to post those passages.

Understand what you're replying to before wasting those keystrokes.

And I have to say, it's pretty funny seeing NTers use the same tactics that they so often get upset at white people for using. This is essentially the religious version of "what about Chicago."
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When a christian blows up an abortion clinic we say it's because of his religion

When a jewish settler burns a baby we say it's because of his religion

When a muslim blows up a place while shouting god is the greatest, we blame socio economic problems and colonization

NT resident Zionist always checks in conveniently when a thread about Muslims pops up.

:lol: really Christians and Muslims blow things up yet Jewish terrorists are just burning babies?

you think people forget that you are one of the worst on NT when it comes to Muslim bashing...

same dude that justified Zioniest jewish goverment treatment of blacks in israel...

bruh all your opinions are null and void
How hard is it to understand that there are different sects of Islam just like every other religion? Some of you can't be that dense...these extremists's come from a small minority sect that originates from Saudi called Wahhabism which is ultra conservative and want's things back to the way they were hundreds of years ago. The world would be much much different if the over one billion Muslims on the planet were Wahhabi extremists as some of you seem to think...

There's ultra conservative/orthodox groups in every religion and they almost always make up a tiny portion of believers.
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So many of you are reacting in the exact way that these maniacs want. They claim to and want to represent all Islam in the hope that we, as western nations, will react disproportionately and go after them in their area which in turn fuels their whole "holy war" narrative where the West is supposedly at "war" with Islam...
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