Sitting at work bored reading nt...


formerly willchamberlain
Nov 24, 2012
 And im jus wondering, how many people have actually experienced racism or racial profiling first hand. With the tm trial it really makes me wonder because most of us who have experienced this before know exactly how that **** goes and kinda know exactly how that **** went down. I just wanna know how many people here have experienced this first hand and can share stories. Ill share some stories later.
I don't have time to type out all the stories but I'm 32 and in my 32 years I've been profiled by police at least a half dozen times and by regular folks countless times. I don't know if you guys read Questlove's post about Trayvon and racial profiling but you should. Just imagine if he being a celebrity feels like this how some of the rest of us feel. The benefit of the doubt is non-existent for a black man.

Link to Questlove's sentiments

NT won't let me properly link the article cause it has a curse in the title. Change the stars at the end to sugar honey iced tea.
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Right here.

Chick pulled my monster out and gave me the look

She then asked if I had African American blood. I promptly zipped up and corrected her saying I don't tolerate prejudiced females.
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Too many to share.... but ill contribute.

When in was 18, I was driving with two other black guys with me, one was on crutches. I'll admit I was speeding, but anywho, cop in an undercover Durango pulls me over and makes us all get out. Four cop cars come out of nowhere with dogs and all.. dogs go around and since we were clean they let us go. I asked if dogs were necessary and the cop replied we fit the description of someone..

Another time I was driving home and a cop pulls me over. First thing the cop asks "where's the guns and dope." Ii was clean and he asked if he could search my car. I let him and he let me go.

During the winter i went to 7-11. I had a hoodie pulled over my head when I walked in, Indian cashier proceeds to yell take your hoodie off. I said f you and left. Same 7-11 this time it was summer and this old white guy was in there just standing around with a hoodie on. Same cashier says nothing to the man so I called him on it. he just gave me a crazy look along with my change and that was it.

Moral of the stories, don't be black or you'll "fit the description"
plenty of times.
when i was in high school me and my friend had come from tower records way across town buying a cd
well we get to the bart station and these cops are pulling into the the parking lot
we like "damn something crazy must have happened"
so we buy our train tickets and wait on the platform as me and my fiend are sitting down
this cop with a police dog walks past us and this white guy who i guess was a witness was with him
the cop asks us some questions i cant remember and puts us in handcuffs just like that
the witness was like thats not them it was someone else
we also like we dont know whats going on
the cop tells me to shut the **** up yadda yadda yadda
and the cop takes us downstairs with other cops
well i guess before we rolled up there was a fight and robbery involving black kids
they got another i guess witness who id'd my friend who was with as one of the suspects and the witness said i was one but they still kept me in cuffs and threw us in a holding cell with like 3 other black dudes who did do it.
long story short the one cool cop who wasnt being a *** asked me some questions and i told him me and my friend didnt even know anything about it and had just come from a record store. he asked for my reciept and when he saw the date and time he let me and my friend go. i guess when the 911 call happened i was JUST buying the cd(dmx the great depression :pimp:)
i tried explaining this earlier to the other cops but they was talking all this other **** saying they was gonna sick the police dogs on us or break our legs with the baton.
idk why i never reported it or anything i was like 15 at the time. the cops were white and 1 looked hispanic
Another TM / Racism thread :rolleyes

How about approach it like its a chance to see what the next man goes through. Everyone can't live in this magical world where cops give you a lollipop instead of cuffs. Maybe you should pull your head out the sand and learn what WE go through. I'd be open to learning your struggles in life. Why aren't you receptive? Is it bred in you to dislike us?
experienced racism/profiling justy this past weekend with the police...went to jail for it :smh:
My girl had moved into her new appt and i went over that night and had to be to work at 6 am. I pulling out the complex at 5:30 am and get instantly pulled over. Cop asked me did i have guns n drugs i said no. He stated look jus give it to me and depending on what it is i might let u go. I tell him i have nothing again. He then says he smells weed (i dont smoke or let anybody amoke in my car) and i say ********. 2 more cop cars pull up and I let em search the car. After sitting in the back of the squad car for a hour they find nothing and got the dumb look. Dude also had my phone and my boss called and this ***** had the nerve to answer it and asked who it was and then stated "oh he really has a job". I was furious and finally pulled off after they left. Get to work and at lunch look in my middle console and pow $60 i had in there is missing.

I was at the bball court in dem burbz and me n this white kid was playing 1 on 1 waiting cuz we had next. This was during the and 1 era so we hitting each other with sham gods, back to papa, off the heezy, thru the legs etc. He throws the ball off my head and hits a jumper so im like damb i gotta get son back. When i got the ball back i thru the ball between his legs and thru it off his head and scored and that was that. Dude didnt say anything else. His pops pulled up to pick him up 15 min later they start walking toward me while im playing in a game on the other court. His pops grabs the ball and thru it at me lol like hard as hell but missed. He hit me with the "dont u ever hit my son in the face with the ball u N, ****, etc." Asked me what was i doing in a nice neighborhood and to go back to the city (detroit). I threw the ball back at him and we all laughed n started clowning him. But i couldnt believe dude told him like he didnt hit me with the ball first and how his pops jus snapped.
Another TM / Racism thread
Im jus trynna show dudes what we go thru. In the tm thread alot of dudes seem to be lost and dont think profiling happens and are trying to act like him being black didnt cause what happened. No disrespect but hispanics dont come close to what we go thru. Only people who get it worse is middle eastern people (since 9/11) 
You done?

Oh ok.

I'm Hispanic and been harassed / profiled by cops on plenty of occasions.

Do I need to consistently bring it up? Nope.

Were they wrong. Yeap.

Apologies for assuming you were white. I don't necessarily think its bad to have dialogue as long as it remains peaceful. The absence of dialogue is what causes the repeat of issues. There have been stories from guys all around and the common denominator is police assuming we did something illegal. I just wish we were held to the same innocent until proven guilty as others but that isn't the case. I have no gripes with cops doing there job, but its the arrogance and dismissive attitudes people are tired of. Its like the old white lady clutching her purse when she sees you, you could have just cashed a check and have appocket full of money but she just knows you want to rob her.
You cant convince these ignorant ***** on nt about the truth and real life experience. Everyone is too busy enjoying their privileged life casting judgment on others.

Had a chick the other day stocking snapples, move to some other aisle doing nothing but pretending to be busy while keeping an eye out if im stealing. Almost went off on her but i let it go
Right here.

Chick pulled my monster out and gave me the look

She then asked if I had African American blood. I promptly zipped up and corrected her saying I don't tolerate prejudiced females.


reminds me of the story one NTer posted about how he smashed some racist chick who was mad familiar with the N word and used this word when talking to him casually...he smashed a few times before he had enough. don't ask me to find this post tho, lord knows what thread that was in...
You cant convince these ignorant ***** on nt about the truth and real life experience. Everyone is too busy enjoying their privileged life casting judgment on others.

Had a chick the other day stocking snapples, move to some other aisle doing nothing but pretending to be busy while keeping an eye out if im stealing. Almost went off on her but i let it go

Is name calling necessary though? That's where these threads go left.

reminds me of the story one NTer posted about how he smashed some racist chick who was mad familiar with the N word and used this word when talking to him casually...he smashed a few times before he had enough. don't ask me to find this post tho, lord knows what thread that was in...
The Nomad
plenty of times.
when i was in high school me and my friend had come from tower records way across town buying a cd
well we get to the bart station and these cops are pulling into the the parking lot
we like "damn something crazy must have happened"
so we buy our train tickets and wait on the platform as me and my fiend are sitting down
this cop with a police dog walks past us and this white guy who i guess was a witness was with him
the cop asks us some questions i cant remember and puts us in handcuffs just like that
the witness was like thats not them it was someone else
we also like we dont know whats going on
the cop tells me to shut the **** up yadda yadda yadda
and the cop takes us downstairs with other cops
well i guess before we rolled up there was a fight and robbery involving black kids
they got another i guess witness who id'd my friend who was with as one of the suspects and the witness said i was one but they still kept me in cuffs and threw us in a holding cell with like 3 other black dudes who did do it.
long story short the one cool cop who wasnt being a *** asked me some questions and i told him me and my friend didnt even know anything about it and had just come from a record store. he asked for my reciept and when he saw the date and time he let me and my friend go. i guess when the 911 call happened i was JUST buying the cd(dmx the great depression :pimp:)
i tried explaining this earlier to the other cops but they was talking all this other **** saying they was gonna sick the police dogs on us or break our legs with the baton.
idk why i never reported it or anything i was like 15 at the time. the cops were white and 1 looked hispanic

so you were in the wrong place at the right time, brought in for questioning, and were promptly released? Criminal profiling and racial profiling aren't the same thing, I don't know why everybody thinks it is now. If some guy looked like Aaron Hernandez, was brought in for questioning, and released as soon as evidence cleared him-> would you really call it racial profiling?
u seem to over look the way i was treated beforehand but i aint here to argue with u dude
its funny how minorities seem to ALWAYS be in the wrong place at the wrong time in these types of situations
Right here.

Chick pulled my monster out and gave me the look

She then asked if I had African American blood. I promptly zipped up and corrected her saying I don't tolerate prejudiced females.

reminds me of the story one NTer posted about how he smashed some racist chick who was mad familiar with the N word and used this word when talking to him casually...he smashed a few times before he had enough. don't ask me to find this post tho, lord knows what thread that was in...
He made that up.
i see subtle racism all the damn time. and i think that's worse. with blatant racists you at least know.

i was out at lunch the other day, and this old man sits down at the counter next to me. the hispanic bus boy comes by and fills up his water, and the old guy says sarcastically "i know you can't take my order, but maybe some day you'll get promoted." the white waitress comes by and dude is asking about how her kids are doing and joking around with her and ****.
Right here.

Chick pulled my monster out and gave me the look

She then asked if I had African American blood. I promptly zipped up and corrected her saying I don't tolerate prejudiced females.


reminds me of the story one NTer posted about how he smashed some racist chick who was mad familiar with the N word and used this word when talking to him casually...he smashed a few times before he had enough. don't ask me to find this post tho, lord knows what thread that was in...

He made that up.
i vaguely remember that post ur talking about
One time me, my cousin, and the homey were at the club and like 10 dudes talkin **** tried to jump us. The bouncers then get in on it too and when the cops come we're held at gunpoint. One of the bouncers knew my homey so they let us go, but it's like c'mon b we just got jumped and now we're the bad guys. I hate the cops because I always get F'd with every time. I got waayyy too many stories man, I just let them know I know my rights and sometimes try to punk 'em now that I'm off probation, but not all the time, word to the countless "he's gotta gun"ers.

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