Skateboard experts come in, I want to learn how to skate

May 25, 2007
I've been wanting to learn how to skate for awhile now so I needed to know what are good to get:

- decks
- trucks
- bearings
- wheels
- shoes

I got friends who skate but I'm so busy with work that I can't find possibly the time to go down City Hall or Love Park to meet up So I was thinkingabout trying to teach myself, any pointers or help is much appreciated. Also can you get any good by teaching yourself?
start of stationary, on grass or carpet.

try to ollie your %** off.. (you most likley wont get it for a month or 2)
someone's been playin the skate 2 demo too much

on a serious note, i wanted to learn to skate when i was in 6th or 7th grade. got a board and everything. i just gave up on it. i wish i woulda kept with it.the sport still fascinates me as it did

I got the ollie down at least on a stationary type of floor. One of the few things I picked up when hanging out with my friends
Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

someone's been playin the skate 2 demo too much

on a serious note, i wanted to learn to skate when i was in 6th or 7th grade. got a board and everything. i just gave up on it. i wish i woulda kept with it. the sport still fascinates me as it did

I'm in a similar situation. I listen to the Red Hot Chili Peppers so much Flea has me convinced I want to learn bass like seriously.
Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

someone's been playin the skate 2 demo too much

on a serious note, i wanted to learn to skate when i was in 6th or 7th grade. got a board and everything. i just gave up on it. i wish i woulda kept with it. the sport still fascinates me as it did
Nah I haven't played the demo yet but it was one of those sports I wanted to learn but was busy playing basketball.
okay you got the ollie now work on flips...

its all comes down timing and execution..

memories when you do it right, correct your mistake when you screw up.
Originally Posted by eeibaby

Originally Posted by damnneardeadstock

someone's been playin the skate 2 demo too much

on a serious note, i wanted to learn to skate when i was in 6th or 7th grade. got a board and everything. i just gave up on it. i wish i woulda kept with it. the sport still fascinates me as it did
Nah I haven't played the demo yet but it was one of those sports I wanted to learn but was busy playing basketball.
i feel ya, same thing happened to me. i was always into basketball more than any sport
Originally Posted by cq23

okay you got the ollie now work on flips...

its all comes down timing and execution..

memories when you do it right, correct your mistake when you screw up.
Should I be learning how to push the board also? (nh)
I've been too busy to learn how to skate from work and school. what's worst is I work at a skateshop. I just never have time.
yeah, learn how to push the board first..

feel comfortable on the deck...then move onto the tricks
best way to learn to ollie is to grab onto the back bumper of a truck (Whiel parked ofcourse), and ollie then. That way, you're wheels are rolling when youtake off and land, but you aren't moving.

man i havent skated in a long %%@ time... haha

I went through 3 boards.... toy machine was my favorite prob.
some dudes pick it up crazy quick, others it takes time

I would say go with a blank deck to start out with but now everybody gets them pressed by some big company so they cost just as much as one with graphics and*+*!.

try to make time to skate with your boys, thats how I learned.

and just stick with it, it aint easy starting out, it takes A LOT of time
Yeah just skate around your neighborhood, city, school ect. Get comfortable with riding, then move onto ollieing while you're moving. When I use to skatesomehow I went from ollies to heelflips in a few hours of practice. It got me heated cause I couldnt do a simple kickflip. But dont expect to get everythingdown for a long time.

I've been wanting to get back into skating too. Still have my board sitting against my wall in my room.
i cant get on the board.. cant push off.. cant push off and get on. im scared as $%*$.
Just cruise your neighborhood and try to ollie onto curbs. Easiest way to learn how to ollie up things is that way. Once you have that down pretty good, startworking on kickflips and so on. Just keep in mind it takes tons of practice so don't give up in two days. Although I'm sure you know already due tohaving friends that skate. Best advice you can get is just practice as much as possible and don't be afriad to fall.
As far as a set up dont go all out and get something expensive. I say get a blank somewhere and cheap components.

If you got you ollies down, start trying to do them while moving, and slowly try going faster and faster. From there I would move on to something likeshove-its.

If you really want to learn to skate just know that you are going to fall a lot. If you are scared you are never going to get better. When you try a trickjust for it (easier said than done, I know). Some of the worst injuries I've had and seen are from bailing on a trick.

Good luck and enjoy it.

donpoppa, where do you work? Your from the bay area right?
Don't be afraid to fall, that leads to hesitation and you'll never get a trick down if you hesitate. Also just go to zumies or whatever and pull ablank deck out of the buckets in the back, those run really cheap.

Still I've been skating since last may and I still can't ollie, maybe I'm going to switch to longboarding.
I can ollie and jump over !%%! just barely but its to cold to skate right now so im outta the game until further ado...
took me a couple weeks to learn to Ollie, but can't skate for %@@+ with my right foot pushing, left foot front for some reason, it just feels so awkwardthat way.
This is my boy right here Mark B

Don't know the dude in the Gif but he is insane for that one

please dont just buy a blank because its cheap..go for quality

anyways other than a nice deck


as for shoes thats mostly a trial and error thing depending on what you find comfortable. Vans are always great tho!
Originally Posted by call me walks


please dont just buy a blank because its cheap..go for quality

anyways other than a nice deck


as for shoes thats mostly a trial and error thing depending on what you find comfortable. Vans are always great tho!

SLAP approved.

Skating takes a lot of patience and persistence. But it's a lot of fun, especially if you have other friends that skate too. It's easier to progress ifyou skate with other peeps. good luck.
I would love to learn how to skake... i can't even skate 10 metres without falling over.
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