Small Personal Goals

Jul 17, 2011
I'm not talking about going to grad school, making a million dollars, buying a house type goals. I'm talking about much smaller things like eventually dying your hair blue, plan a roadtrip, have a threesome kind of deals. 
What do you want?

I want every film in the Criterion Collection and every disney movie on dvd...eventually.
Working on getting built in the gym, buying a new car in a couple weeks, and growing a beard.
Bench 185/get back in shape/get bigger
Learn how to drive manual
Walk around the city in the middle of the night
Being one chunk of muscle, don't need to be huge or anything, just want to be cut as hell
Doing shrooms before the end of summer, preferably in a nature heavy place
Going to LA in the winter and moving out there in 2 years when my boy finishes school
Finding a job
Getting my novel published
Sitting down and completing a screenplay in its entirety and making it amazing
Cracking open my paint set and crafting something wonderful
Getting into film-making and photography
Reading every book I own, and watching every dvd slash blu-ray I've bought.
Run a 20K marathon.
Get a job.

Gain 10 more lbs of lean muscle by the end of the year.
Become a US citizen by the end of the year.
internet marketing (fale so far, but not giving up)
following my workout plan (skipped twice this week already, feels batman)
buying whey, multi, omega3. all are empty at the moment.
growing my hair a certain way.
make my dad retire soon. long shot but whatever.
organize my desk

fold my laundry

buy more roadmaps

call old friend

get faster at locking and unlocking my bike lock

grow back damaged toe nail

improve accuracy with 5 iron

get electribe EM1 repaired

think of gift for cousin's birthday last month

stop stealing pens from work

get second ice tray

update budget monthly

take more photos and videos

litter less

figure out if upstairs neighbors moved out or not

use cash more frequently

keep bike tires inflated to 135 psi

go to optometrist

make sarcasm more obvious at work, make sarcasm less obvious at home
promote the hell outta CBR and my discount code during the fall textbook rush (check the sig ppl)

pay off the engagement ring

dunk (i'm 5'7")

win more scholarships for school

get my mile time below 6mins

reach the green level on nike+
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