Sneakers Top always wear out same area.

May 11, 2014
I notice i wear out the tops of my shoes at the same place irregardless of materials/type of shoe.

Typically after a week wearing my new shoes, sometimes lesser if it's leather/vinyl, the ankle collar area on the inner feet (where the shoes wrap you feet) tend to wear out, fabric or leather/pleather, mid tops or low, it's the exact same area slightly beside the lace area up til half way near the ankle.

I'm not sure if i rubbed the shoes when i walk, but happens for my sports & also casuals...

I read somewhere on the board some folk was asking about similar question on his hooping shoes and we though it might be the ankle brace rubbing against the shoes but i don't wear braces on my casuals and it only wears out on the inner feet area not the rest.

Any clues?
Shave down your ankle bone that protrudes into the shoe, creating creases.

No more creases.

You're welcome.
Google pronation. It's the way the foot rolls inward when you walk or run. Sounds like you could be an over pronator. You should be able to correct this by wearing orthotics. By any chance do you have issues with your ankle or knees? Do you run?
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