So I Met Zach & Aisha from the OG Power Rangers' Cast Today...

Mangudai954 wrote:
Originally Posted by Agent Andre

Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Had my son shuckin and jivin fighting.
Lies, his swagger was on a 100 at all times.


�@ 1:30
Seen that dude Zach in a club in LA a few yrs ago.

Son won some type of salsa dancing competition
Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i went to Anime Expo with some friends (actually i was dragged there by them...i dont like anime)
there just happened to be a Power Rangers panel with some of the OG cast members from the different iterations of the show (Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and members from Mighty Morphin, Turbo, Zeo, Space, etc)
Zach was always my favorite (im black
) and Aisha was always
to me. It was perfect. Oh least i got to talk to them

this was the only other pic i got

thats zach in the white.

he even did that dance intro move

anyone wanna post the gif? or the one with Domski's head PS'd on it

Machiko Soga who played the OG Rita died in 06 homie....
Aisha was my crush back in the day... Used to go home at be smack in front of the TV at 4 pm everyday, lol
Aisha wasnt apart of the OG cast.

Trini was the yellow ranger in the OG cast
I can still watch the first movie to this day. Congrats on meeting them. Any cast member from the 1st two season is an OG ranger, I can agree with that. Theshow when it first came out really brought back a little bit of the feeling oh what a Saturday morning cartoon in the 90s was like. Yeah they are hella shortthough. I can remember my martial arts instructor asking me if I would ever be interested in applying to audition and telling me that I may be too muscular.Funny thing was in college I date a chick who used to be good friends with the dude who played Rocky in one of the seasons.
I remember when my son Zack was on that Disney movie Brink back in the late 90's

Son broke his wrist or somethin like that in it though
Originally Posted by DJisMe3

Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

...and i took a pic with the both of them on my iPhone (because i didnt feel like carrying my DSLR around all weekend. I have this habit of not locking the screen while it's in my pocket. so when i get ready to tweet about it and become the envy of all my friends, I see that i accidentally deleted it


for those who need a refresher...

and im mad at how the yellow ranger in that picture lookin bigger than the black.

did we really need a back shot?
Originally Posted by jm2000

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

i went to Anime Expo with some friends (actually i was dragged there by them...i dont like anime)

there just happened to be a Power Rangers panel with some of the OG cast members from the different iterations of the show (Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, and
members from Mighty Morphin, Turbo, Zeo, Space, etc)

Zach was always my favorite (im black
) and Aisha was always
to me. It was perfect. Oh least i got to talk to

this was the only other pic i got


thats zach in the white.

he even did that dance intro move

anyone wanna post the gif? or the one with Domski's head PS'd on it

Machiko Soga who played the OG Rita died in 06 homie....

it was the actress who voiced her...not the actual woman who played her. sorry
Cool Stuff, I remember when PR first started coming on, I was in KG, I remember being the red ranger 4 halloween too,lol, I wanted to Fuk Aiesha on some real****t

Wasn't the blue ranger Billy a Nerd,lol, I used to want The old guy in the tube to come out an help fight so badd. I used to Fucckn hate Alpha
with that iy yi yi yiii crap.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

odd that they were together...

that one guy killed those two people

na it was a power rangers panel with a bunch of power rangers and villains from different series.
????? odds of them being together= slim.
are they a couple of something, otherwise it seems far fetched they'd just be hanging out after so many years..
^^^she was asian before the new members came to take their power crystals..I think in the real world it had something to do with racial undertones inrelation to their Ranger colors attracted attention in the media so on the show they incorporated some of the OG rangers leaving and new ones toreplace them...

Yellow Ranger-Asian
Black Ranger-Black
Red Ranger-Native American
Blue Ranger-Caucasian Boy
Pink Ranger-Caucasian Girl...
Originally Posted by champ305

????? odds of them being together= slim.
are they a couple of something, otherwise it seems far fetched they'd just be hanging out after so many years..

probably because this was one of the high points in their career and it was a Power Rangers panel at a convention.

its not like OP just met them walking together in the street
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

^^^she was asian before the new members came to take their power crystals..I think in the real world it had something to do with racial undertones in relation to their Ranger colors attracted attention in the media so on the show they incorporated some of the OG rangers leaving and new ones to replace them...

Yellow Ranger-Asian

Black Ranger-Black

Red Ranger-Native American

Blue Ranger-Caucasian Boy

Pink Ranger-Caucasian Girl...

They should've had a Brown Hispanic ranger
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