So I'm going to get my laptop for school today..

Apr 23, 2005
Its coming in the mail, Macbook Pro 13"
its gonna be for school (I'm gonna be a freshman)

I just wanted to know if you think its a good idea for me to sticker bomb my macbook..
like I'm going to be in a business school, would it be a bad idea to have my macbook covered in stickers ?

I've really wanted to do it & now that I'm actually getting a laptop i can, but I'm worried that they'll make me take it off or somethingin school

feed back ?
It would look mad unprofessional but I don't think they'll make you take it off if you do.
13" screen tho? dont you think that's on the small side?

and unless you go to Orale Roberts, i doubt anyone will really give a !$+% what your laptop looks like. do what you want..
My macbook is sticker bombed too. I'm really considering removing all of them soon. I just need to find a way so that there is no sticker residue
What my friend did was got a clear plastic case for his black Macbook and then he put stickers on the case. So he didn't mess up the actual laptop and ifhe needs to, just take it out of the case and it's clean and like new.

I'd suggest that if you're worried about looking unprofessional with stickers, but for the most part I doubt anyone would care.
Why not get the 15" Macbook Pro?

And don't sticker bomb it...get a case first then sticker bomb it so you won't make any bad regrets, like some women and their tramp stamps.
Originally Posted by seanyboyy

My macbook is sticker bombed too. I'm really considering removing all of them soon. I just need to find a way so that there is no sticker residue
Just do it. No one will care. You wont even be taking many business classes anyway since you gotta do all your GE's an stuff. So by the time where itreally matters about lookin professional you will most likely need a new laptop by then anyway.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

What my friend did was got a clear plastic case for his black Macbook and then he put stickers on the case. So he didn't mess up the actual laptop and if he needs to, just take it out of the case and it's clean and like new.

I'd suggest that if you're worried about looking unprofessional with stickers, but for the most part I doubt anyone would care.
sounds like a plan, where are these clear cases sold ?

edit : 900th post
Originally Posted by eleet1

Just do it. No one will care. You wont even be taking many business classes anyway since you gotta do all your GE's an stuff. So by the time where it really matters about lookin professional you will most likely need a new laptop by then anyway.
Actually its the opposite. Whitman (Syracuse's business school) doesn't require its students to take that many GEs. Combined its probably1.5 semesters worth.

Where are you staying this year?
i had stickers and no one reallly cared (not that i would have taken them off if they did). btw i never really needed my laptop in class, so i wouldnt expectit to get that much burn. while in class i used my laptop to do exactly what i do at work now (NKETLK).

and not to knock your choice cause im jw but if you were price conscious about the price on a macbook 15" why didnt you go with a PC? they are way morecost effective (for a business student) than a mac. assuming youre not mac loyal.
I would think if you have to ask then you should not do it. Lurking for a while but Post #1
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

i had stickers and no one reallly cared (not that i would have taken them off if they did). btw i never really needed my laptop in class, so i wouldnt expect it to get that much burn. while in class i used my laptop to do exactly what i do at work now (NKETLK).

and not to knock your choice cause im jw but if you were price conscious about the price on a macbook 15" why didnt you go with a PC? they are way more cost effective (for a business student) than a mac. assuming youre not mac loyal.
I strongly considered it.. but I've been fed up with PC, i've had this desktop for like ever, and I'm pretty much in love with Macs

I mean i know it wouldve been a better choice to go with PC because I'm doing business, but I'm sure I'll be able to get any work necessary withthe Macbook + office for mac
Originally Posted by Lazy B

Originally Posted by eleet1

Just do it. No one will care. You wont even be taking many business classes anyway since you gotta do all your GE's an stuff. So by the time where it really matters about lookin professional you will most likely need a new laptop by then anyway.
Actually its the opposite. Whitman (Syracuse's business school) doesn't require its students to take that many GEs. Combined its probably 1.5 semesters worth.

Where are you staying this year?

Well if thats the case i retract my former statement and agree with the cover/case option.
Originally Posted by DRjordanlover45

Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

i had stickers and no one reallly cared (not that i would have taken them off if they did). btw i never really needed my laptop in class, so i wouldnt expect it to get that much burn. while in class i used my laptop to do exactly what i do at work now (NKETLK).

and not to knock your choice cause im jw but if you were price conscious about the price on a macbook 15" why didnt you go with a PC? they are way more cost effective (for a business student) than a mac. assuming youre not mac loyal.
I strongly considered it.. but I've been fed up with PC, i've had this desktop for like ever, and I'm pretty much in love with Macs

I mean i know it wouldve been a better choice to go with PC because I'm doing business, but I'm sure I'll be able to get any work necessary with the Macbook + office for mac

understandable. my dell laptop was way more than enough for college; even though vista is weaksauce. all i needed was microsoft office. im probably gonna get anew one next year sometime in order to give windows 7 some time to work itself out. im at work stuck with a dell optiplex with a pentium 4
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