So is bill russell dead broke or does he really like just one shirt? History in Pics. EDIT: ASG 2013

Old people stay having one outfit not that uncommon

I'm sure he just has like 30 shirt of the same style.

He's 75, aint that much versatility when you get to that age, ain't gonna be rocking a Givenchy crewneck or anything
Bill Russell is that dude though 

*Bill Russell laugh*
I didn't know he was married to a white woman though. Ain't nobody marryin' sistas anymore
Ol cotton mouth himself. Bill been needing to line up that goatee for decades. :lol:
To add to his defense he did grow up in a family that was extremely poor and was a young kid during the Great Depression. Experiencing that, I'd be cheap too.
I don't understand how he never picked up a ball after he retired. But my man got that sheep wool for hair :lol:
imagine the hassle it is to get clothes for a dude that size though...

I bet that's a big part of it - "I like this, it fits great, I'll have 10!"

I've been tempted to do that - the Einstein school of dressing. 7 identical outfits and just wear the same thing each day. Probably something like a white button down, grey pants, black shoes - would solve a lot of problems.

Probably need a blazer and a couple of sweaters and that would do forever.
he was at the game last night to give out the trophy but we all know what happened with that. but he did have on the outfit though when he was on pregame with shaq and c-webb. wonder if he wears it thursday....
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