So Many L's For This Guy VOL. Wheel Of Fortune

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dude said car when clearly the subject tile said person. other girl got it when she said man.....
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He said it was one of the best accomplishments of his life :lol: .

Did he solve the final puzzle correctly?
He said it was one of the best accomplishments of his life

Did he solve the final puzzle correctly?

Hey, if he's not mad, neither am I

and yeah, he won for that day
If he had pronounced "Achilles" correctly, he would have won the Million cardboard, which he could then play for the actual sum if he had the highest cash total at the end of all the rounds.

He wouldn't have won the milli right then and there though.

It's even more complicated than that:

* Land on the Million Dollar wedge during the game (there are 24 wedges on the wheel that get replaced every round, and each player spins the wheel about 24 times throughout the game).

* Be the one who solves the puzzle after picking up the wedge.

* Never land on the BANKRUPT wedge thereafter.

* Win the game, obviously (the wedge is meaningless without the win).

* Land on the Million Dollar wedge again during the Bonus Round (there are 24 wedge slots on the bonus wheel).

* Solve the Bonus Round puzzle in under 10 seconds.

Anyway, as for missing "Achilles", clearly he's not a Kobe, or you know damn well he'd know how to pronounce that.
Finally got a chance to watch the video, honestly, it wasn't as funny as I expected. :\
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