So my sister just got a virus on my desktop...

Something similar happened to me. Losing all the photos was the worst
what irus? my letter \/ dont work....

but you can et back majority of your stuff...

pm me see if i can help
what irus? my letter \/ dont work....

but you can et back majority of your stuff...

pm me see if i can help
I had that the other day after my kids were on my laptop. It's just a few hours work to get everything back. It's all there - just the icons are hidden.

I'll look up the instructions I used and post them in a minute. They were on who I have always found helpful.
I had that the other day after my kids were on my laptop. It's just a few hours work to get everything back. It's all there - just the icons are hidden.

I'll look up the instructions I used and post them in a minute. They were on who I have always found helpful.
Here it is:


You have to use the Rkill first which stops the program - if you don't do that it won't let you change things. Then run the malwarebytes scanner - which took a few hours. Then when that is done you run unhide.exe which shows your icons again.

Like I said it took me a few hours but it wasn't too hard. It's much easier if you have another computer to download the programs on and follow the instructions from.
Here it is:


You have to use the Rkill first which stops the program - if you don't do that it won't let you change things. Then run the malwarebytes scanner - which took a few hours. Then when that is done you run unhide.exe which shows your icons again.

Like I said it took me a few hours but it wasn't too hard. It's much easier if you have another computer to download the programs on and follow the instructions from.
OP download RKill and malwarebytes. Chances are you didnt lose any data at all.
oh and Cloud backup > your own HDD backup.
OP download RKill and malwarebytes. Chances are you didnt lose any data at all.
oh and Cloud backup > your own HDD backup.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Always back up files to an external hard drive

Cosign. ALWAYS backup. You don't think it'll happen to you, but hard drives are designed to fail some just sooner than others. I learned the hard way a month ago
. Now I backup every night before I sleep.
Originally Posted by QueenCitySneakerQueen

Always back up files to an external hard drive

Cosign. ALWAYS backup. You don't think it'll happen to you, but hard drives are designed to fail some just sooner than others. I learned the hard way a month ago
. Now I backup every night before I sleep.
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