So, You're in the car alone and the music is on, what are you doing?


Aug 15, 2008
Just thought about this the other day. My friend just is silent as hell and I'm like how do you not know any words/say anything? Well anyway, ME, I stayrapping and singing
. I'm fast to pick up words, rhythms and allthat. I have a good musical ear. I don't think I can sing too well. But, the other night I was high as hell driving home and Ride or Die came on. I wassinging my heart out. WE GONNN' MAKE IT OUT DIS HOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Self stone-facing ahead of time. We got any silent drivers on here?
Word, if im in the passenger i'm usually playing the drums and my friend gets to killin that air guitar. And yes, we almost die a lot.
Sometimes I don't even turn the music on. There's something so relaxing about just having quiet time, and when I'm driving somewhere is pretty muchthe only time I get to have that quiet time. I usually just reflect on the last couple of days and think about what's going on in my life.
I don't like to smoke WHILE driving, cause it's hard to say "No officer I am not smoking weed." But, I'm always high. And I drive betterhigh. Sober i'm such a POS.
man i need some tins on my car...i be feelin it TOO much, i be havinthe "
" face when people pull up beside me lookin like
Originally Posted by Helghast420

I don't like to smoke WHILE driving, cause it's hard to say "No officer I am not smoking weed." But, I'm always high. And I drive better high. Sober i'm such a POS.

I never smoke while driving either. But it seems like im always high when I drive. Sometimes I be paranoid as a mf'er thinking I cant feel my gas pedals.
Well now Im a silent driver cause I usually drives illegally and I need to pay attention to the road lol. But believe you me when that license comes its a wraplol.
one of my favorite things to do..
put on some instrumentals and just freestyle.

or driving at home at around 1
playing some slow jams and stuff..awww mann
I take my ipod and put all the songs that I cant listen to around .......anybody

Michelle branch cd
I recite the lyrics or nod my head. If it's a song that's knocking, I get hyped and rap louder.
i sing like a crazy man in my car when no one else is in there. i just try to speed past everyone so they cant look at me and laugh
I have a great time in the car. I sing, dance, rap, sometimes I get so crazy that I drift into other lanes (empty roads of course).
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