Socially Awkward (Borderline Autistic) Kids In Class Appreciation/Unappreciation

Oct 16, 2006
So there's this dude in one of my engineering classes who looks like the son from "Hung" mixed with the son from "Breaking Bad" (that's the best description I could think of). The dude either has some kind of social disorder, or he grew up in a bubble. There have been numerous occasions in class where he doesn't agree with what the teacher says, and he'll just start blurting out things like "that's stupid, your making a fool of yourself". Of course, this brings the lecture to an awkward halt, but the teacher just shrugs him off or gives him the stink eye.

Fast forward to this morning. We're learning about this property of some @*#*$%*%, details aren't necessary. Anyway, the formula for this property is  (Rho*V*D)/Mu, which looks a lot like (R*V*D)/U. So my foreign teacher says something like "Yeah and then you calculate this property from R V D all over U", and the kid STANDS UP and goes "RVD ALL OVA YOUUUUU! FIVE STAR FROG SPLASSSHHHHH!".

I think only me and a couple other people in class even understood the reference, because thats how many people laughed (if only for a second). After the shocked chuckles leveled off, there was what seemed like 30 seconds of just silence. The teacher finally goes "hey _______, please stay after class", and goes back with his lecture.

That %@%% made my day.
I would have died on the spot
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

So there's this dude in one of my engineering classes who looks like the son from "Hung" mixed with the son from "Breaking Bad" (that's the best description I could think of). The dude either has some kind of social disorder, or he grew up in a bubble. There have been numerous occasions in class where he doesn't agree with what the teacher says, and he'll just start blurting out things like "that's stupid, your making a fool of yourself". Of course, this brings the lecture to an awkward halt, but the teacher just shrugs him off or gives him the stink eye.

Fast forward to this morning. We're learning about this property of some @*#*$%*%, details aren't necessary. Anyway, the formula for this property is  (Rho*V*D)/Mu, which looks a lot like (R*V*D)/U. So my foreign teacher says something like "Yeah and then you calculate this property from R V D all over U", and the kid STANDS UP and goes "RVD ALL OVA YOUUUUU! FIVE STAR FROG SPLASSSHHHHH!".

I think only me and a couple other people in class even understood the reference, because thats how many people laughed (if only for a second). After the shocked chuckles leveled off, there was what seemed like 30 seconds of just silence. The teacher finally goes "hey _______, please stay after class", and goes back with his lecture.

That %@%% made my day.
sounds like he has aspergers syndrome. its a form of autism i believe that essentially forces you to be extremely socially awkward. people with aspergers say all the wrong things at all the wrong times, almost to the point where it seems like its on purpose. ive dealt extensively with 2 people who have aspergers and it can be very tough. just remember that as frustrating and annoying as it can be, it ain't at all his fault.
IDK. Knowing that the topic being discussed is fluid mechanics makes it funnier to me. Especially since splash = flow instability = higher Re... I'm easily amused.

But yeah, based on what you said about him calling out the professor, I think he has aspergers. From what I heard, people with aspergers have no sense of "social structure," they don't understand why certain people are treated in certain ways because of their social status. Nor can they put themselves in the shoes of people they insult.
Yeah definitely sounds like asperger's syndrome. The movie Adam was about a guy with the syndrome and was a really interesting watch since I had no real knowledge of the syndrome prior.
You should've been brave and yelled out "The Whole F'n Show" or loaded up his entrance music on your phone and played it.
Someone in Student Disabilities or some other student services probably talked to the professor about the student already.  I hope they did, professor must still get annoyed though.
I would've been laughing too much for it to not be noticed. The silence would've caused me to laugh even more
Originally Posted by o fenomeno

sounds like he has aspergers syndrome. its a form of autism i believe that essentially forces you to be extremely socially awkward. people with aspergers say all the wrong things at all the wrong times, almost to the point where it seems like its on purpose. ive dealt extensively with 2 people who have aspergers and it can be very tough. just remember that as frustrating and annoying as it can be, it ain't at all his fault.
doesnt exist...some people are just %*#++# douches
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