Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Yeah that is pretty old. Blew my mind when I heard it and clearly I don't understand on the level that he or any astrophysics major does.

Anyways, I'm meeting with the Agents today to take the blue pill. Gonna eat steak, buy season tickets to the raiders, get fitted for some suits and get an office job, lease a Bentley and go to Jerads to spend house money on aN engagement ring. Goodbye, y'all.
That is true to an extent. It's true for you and I, but not the kids growing up in Gaza, correct? They clearly don't have the opportunities to turn their dreams into reality.

Here's a perfectly good example. The fact that we have access to food any and every where at any given time is a PRIVILEGE for us. We have access to clean water, hot water, any kind of food no matter the season, air conditioning, heaters, refrigeration etc. We already have EVERYTHING we would ever need so our imaginations can venture to ideas about time travel, divine theories, simulation theory, wherever your mind wants to go. But does a child born with AIDS in africa have the same wonders? Same ideas about fate or what have you. Is that part of his divine plan? Or is that his karma? It's all a possibility, but I doubt it. Their goals and dreams might be all the things we have at our disposal every single day of our lives; clean water, hot water, food, a bed etc. and those things are as hard for them to make a reality as it is for you and I to astral plane into the 5th dimension lol does any of this make any sense?

Sometimes, yes, I do feel like there is a divine plan. Everything that has ever happened in the history of our people on this planet had to happen in order for us to get to the place I feel like we could ultimately be heading.

Where we go back to the simple life, connected with nature, yet subtly interconnected with technology. Unlike today where we are constantly in a perpetuated sleep state due to sensory overload, totally amnesic to what it is we were already born knowing.

But it's easy for me to say these things because I'm in my house behind an iMac with the AC cranked on because its 90 outside in Sunny Cali by the beach... nomsayin?
It makes perfect sense to a ranter like me

I was just saying this the other day bro. For me to even be sitting here talking like a "free thinker", my parents and previous ancestors went through years of ish. They didn't have it like that, different school of thought and understanding at the time which may have been vital to the survival of me getting to the point where i can act like they were from some backwards lack of knowledge time lol. I got all this stuff: "freedoms", goods, and all that other good stuff Mazlow speaks of. So whats next for my consciousness (or the higher consciousness) to experience? When you do and have everything (on a basic level), you reset the cycle and you make new qualms and seek new treasures. Nitpick to find a niche, we're all climbing and jumping off other peoples POV, some people are just trying to reach ours.

When I was on Unemployment, I had enough money to go to school without worrying for bills. It wasn't a million dollars but it sustained me to want for nothing. I had the most wonderful observations and were developing some ill personal philosophies about life. As soon as I completed school and unemployment stopped, and the "real" world started beckoning, those sweet thoughts were starting to be replaced with animal thoughts that were "rooted" in this worlds mentality and material nature... I gotta get it by any means. Am I a product of my environment? Do I change the situation or does the situation change me? 

My parents called me brash for always opposing the status quo and i called them complacent... but when we sit together outside of the wordly views of the "time", and acknowledge the dynamics and systems that were in place for what they were and have real talks, we get each other... I get them and the actions they chose and the lack of things they chose to think about

This Mos Def line sticks out... " Too busy surviving to argue bout Darvin". 

Love y'all as usual... Namaste
Been going through the motions a little on life. Starting to finally build my way back up to where I wanna be. Was kinda in a bit of let time speed by mode this year, but I want to move past that. It's kinda dumb, but I find The Rock to really be inspiring. I know you gotta be your own motivation, but this dude motivated me last night when I went through his IG. Read a quote that said "Always be the hardest working person in the room" and that right there made things click for me. I really have no reason to not be the hardest worker I could be. I'm gonna die either way eventually, but I rather die from working too damn hard, than from withering away.


Been using positive affirmations more. A-FRiend mentioned something about listening to the Omens earlier, well positive affirmations and writing and repeating them is an omen for me to get back on track. Seen it from a few dudes on Twitter that I follow, saw Tyson Ross (Padres pitcher) reading affirmations in the dugout a couple of weeks back, when you focus and listen and just free yourself to oneness it clicks.
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I've come a long way to be honest. I had confidence issues all the way up until my 2nd year in college. Then, somehow, it started clicking that I need to be positive. So I improved my posture and began being aware of the duality whenever it arose. I really owe it to one of my superiors when I was working as a basketball manager for SJU. Dude told me I need to be confident and that I had no reason in this world to be unconfident so I worked to build that up from nothing.

This year, I've taken a little step back. I practically blew up my account in the first couple of months and that really made me feel like such ****. But trading stocks was something I loved so I dug in there and worked harder than I ever had in my entire academic career to become better. Now, I see the improvement, I make better reads, and actually know how to develop and execute a plan. So slowly and surely, my account is redeeming itself.

The next step here is to go full fledged into being disciplined, consistent and positive. Sometimes fear gets me, but I'm working to push myself through fear instead of being paralyzed by it. I'm going to do the best I can to be the hardest worker in the room I'm in whether it's studying charts, lifting weights, or whatever. Positivity really is the key to success.

I feel myself on that doorstep and I know if I take this next step, everything will avalanche in a good way. I'll be financially secure, I'll find my perfect mate, and I'll be living way we ought to live for the love of life. I'll even enjoy writing again (of late, I've noticed the creativity and passion for storytelling slowly coming back to me).

Positivity is everything.

Thanks for keeping this thread alive bro's.
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Kind of touching on what JRS is talking about...

Been reading The Kybalion lately and two things really hit home with me so far. The duality of everything. All emotions have an exact opposite. Happiness vs unhappiness. Courage vs fear. Strength vs weakness. Love vs hate. As humans we can turn fear into courage, hate into love through transmutation. So I have been paying attention to my mood and emotions lately and doing just that. Once I became conscious of the possibility it has been a lot easier that I previously thought.

The second thing is that everything vibrates which has been touched on in here. Even matter such as furniture vibrates but at an extremely low frequency that we cannot notice. All illnesses can be cured with vibrations. I'll leave off with this excerpt "Mastery consists of using the higher forces against the lower - escaping the pains of the lower by vibrating on the higher"
[COLOR=#red]Just sharing :pimp:

This is kinda interesting.

I didn't watch this vid, I kinda skipped around.

But I recently moved to New York for a professional program and now I work and live permanently in NYC.

The whole time during my program, i spent maybe 80% of my time in a giant windowless conference room while top level after top level media exec would come in and talk to us about how important it was that we were here and that the fact that we had made the decision to come to New York was a marker that we were supposed to be in the position we were in.

Along with that, we were told about the details of their work, but more importantly we were told over and over again that we will have to lose ourselves, and that our lives will now be much different from regular people, meaning that while your friends and family will have families and live regular lives, we will get to live super glamourous lives filled with celebrities and high end everything. The only catch is that we will never be able to have a stable home life, we will drink ALOT (alot of the speakers were actually drunk while speaking to us, and these are the top level magazine and TV executives) and I'm sure if drug use were more socially accepted they would include that, and we will basically become completely different people than we were before coming to the city.

The whole theme was that if you want it enough, you will get all the glitz glamour and glory, but you will not be able to do so AND live a healthy life, but a healthy life is for those regular folks down there on the street, and we're up here high up in this trillion dollar building downtown, where you can walk through Wall Street and SoHo and be accepted as one of us.

During conversations many of these people said two phrases to me alot:

1. "Nobody who's anybody in New York is actually FROM New York."

2. "My wife/husband and kids hate me. But that's just par for the course."

I've obviously accepted this as my fate, and hope to avoid these pitfalls and hopefully forge my own path where I don't fall into the problems these people have. But New York really is more than just a city. It's a living, breathing being that DOES NOT love you, but somehow convinces you to love it, and requires you to acknowledge it as such.
DMT - I smoked DMT about a year or two into my "awakening" proccess. Before, I thought I had everything figured out. I thought I had all esoteric knowledge figured out. Boy was my ego inflated.

DMT changed my entire perspective on EVERYTHING, including the idea I had of myself. When I talk about the experience, I struggle to find words to describe what it is that I experienced. How do you explain to someone that you saw love, smelt love, felt love, and became love? How do you explain seeing geometrical patterns and colors that you've never seen before? How do I explain feeling these patterns coming off of me and creating an aura of power right out of my third eye into the heavens and being guided by the serpent lady? You can't. People have to see it for themselves.

The trip wasn't even the most profound and life changing experience for me, it was what happened during the ritual BEFORE we "blasted off".

My cousin, our mutual friend and myself have all pretty much embarked on this journey to truth together. My cousin had DMT for quite some time and asked me to try it before but having never tried a psychedelic beforeb (not to mention I was sober from weed for 9 years or so) I was nervous and wanted to look into it before I took the plunge. I was already up on Terrence McKenna and Graham Hancock as well as Joe Rogan and Aubrey Marcus but more so for philosophy rather than psychedelics.

Anyways, to the ******* point lol.. We got back from the bar one night just us 3, I was sober as a dog and these guys weren't really drunk anymore, but I suggested we try it thinking no one would be down and to my surprise my cousin goes in the back and brings it out... my heart immediately starts pounding. I was mega nervous. We turned off the lights, lit a candle and we each got into our own meditation practice before sandwiching the DMT between the weed in the bong. My boy M decided to go first and while my cousin the Shaman is holding it for him I'm freaking out on the inside. M hits the bong, my cousin takes it away from him, M's eyes close and it looks as if his ******* soul is gone lol. I WAS TRIPPIN. My heart was racing, and IN MY HEAD I'm telling myself "oh my, what if I'm one of those guys who takes off and comes back a little ****oo? AM I GOING TO BE ALRIGHT?" Keep in mind, I didnt SAY A WORD. All of this was going on in my head.

While I'm saying all of this, M comes out of his trip, opens his eyes, looks at me and says "J, everything is going to be alright. Don't worry, everything is going to be alright. Calm your heart beat down" and closes his eyes and goes back into his trip... Idk how to describe how I felt at that point, I wasn't even shocked at what had just happened, I was relieved and calm.

M describes it as while he was on his trip, he was ascending out of his body and he heard my voice saying all the things I was saying in my mind. He was contemplating on if he should stop his journey or not to help me get through it and the ladies voice spoke to him and told him it was his mission to help me get through it, so he did.

Take it how you want it to take it, but that experience changed my life. I was sober as **** and my homie was in the middle of a trip and all that happened. It opened my eyes to a lot of things and truly let me know that nobody knows what the **** is going, especially me.

Can't wait to go back.
good stuff bro.. he heard what you were thinking? did he pick up on your body language, or nervousness before he took the hit?
That's a dope story. I've picked up similar vibes off of mushrooms before. Nothing needing to be said but your energy and thoughts are still being shared with your friends. So fricking cool.
Thats next on the list, then eventually go visit mother ayuhuasca, whenever the call is made. Its crazy that after exposure to these kinds of ideas and views, how many things and occurances in the world are crazy psychedelic.
Im relistening to alot of Joe Rogan podcast episodes, mckenna talks, and other things that naturally seem to attract the curious minds, now that ive had more experience with psychedelics and so many more things make sense and making connections of things now that wouldnt have been possible before i had tried mushrooms. They made sense prior to i having eaten them to a certain degree but a more fleshed out understanding just wouldn't be possible. One thing i always fall back on is that while i believe there is a general central message to what is to be brought back for lack of a better word, is that there is still a high degree of individualness to it all. There are many similar and shared experiences as this thread can attest to, but we all bring our own little thing to the universal table metophorically speaking. And that i feel is one of the beautiful things of all this. While we may learn many of the same things and there maybe actually one universal way, the finding of that for each of us, and the journey of getting there and all the possibilities are what make the human experience albiet many of those possibilities are horrible under the general moral understandings we have. So regardless if this is a simulation and its not real in the physical sense the human experience and many of the things in it are beautiful. The horrible aspect is the denial of that for many still today. But maybe someday everyone will have an equal oppurtunity to live and enjoy what it is to be human being. One love bros.
Just occured to me, essientially my post could be summed that it's good to have a combination of an understanding of the several aspects of this thing called life, the psychedelic, spiritual, and the matrix. Right now the they clash, and so many people are so far gone & or legitametly unable to even begin to dwell and understand even the simplest of these ideas. Many of us seem to understand what comes with the red pill, why instead of discarding the blue pill, blend the two together. If this is a matrix, and we are all sims, simply be the best sims one can be. Learn as much as your capable of with the blue pill approach and then bring that into the red pill approach and not have it become a us vs them, cause although hard to resist things leading or looking that way, the growth in numbers should be to have and every single person be part of the one instead of it being some metophorical battle. I hope this wall of text is somewhat understandable, racing mind is often not the best avenue to get these ideas or topics of discussion out there.
Did u break through? If so how many times did u have to toke it before u did? And were u able to hold it in without coughing profusely?
Yea, broke through both times. Very intense trips. I thought of writing up a pretty detailed trip report, but i think I've come to the conclusion that 9/10 when we speak it's just saying how much we really dont know. We use big words and form sentences in a way to suggests that we know more then we actually do. So in short this is what i came away with, and most of you already knew this

Love is the only thing that's real

We are gods, and what we deal with on the daily is a fraction of who we really are

This is a holographic reality

We've fallen a long way from our origin

Positivity/Love is the answer to everything

The world religions have it right, but have taken it completely out of context and pimped it out.

Hope this helps someone
Yea, broke through both times. Very intense trips. I thought of writing up a pretty detailed trip report, but i think I've come to the conclusion that 9/10 when we speak it's just saying how much we really dont know. We use big words and form sentences in a way to suggests that we know more then we actually do. So in short this is what i came away with, and most of you already knew this

Love is the only thing that's real
We are gods, and what we deal with on the daily is a fraction of who we really are
This is a holographic reality
We've fallen a long way from our origin
Positivity/Love is the answer to everything
The world religions have it right, but have taken it completely out of context and pimped it out.

Hope this helps someone

Isn't this at the end the day and pretty much everything the main point of everything. It's the reason why i say there doesn't have to be a ultimate reason for anything (humans being here, where exactly we came from and why, if there is an ultimate omega being). Why include and have so much extra stuff when just learning to love yourself and other humans and just enjoying life should be the goal. Is it such a difficult thing to accept that maybe the sole purpose for us being here is just to Live, Learn & Love.
Pretty much. There's forces esoteric/exoteric that would have you think otherwise, but they're fulfilling their purpose in the universe as well
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