Someone Blow My Mind Vol. Illuminati, 2012, Aliens, Life

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Maybe the message of the Wizards of Oz is connected to the Emerald Tablet. I'm not sure, I forgot, but they sure love to put the clues out there.
Reading the first tablet now and it's great connecting the symbolism in the tablet to the theories from the video. "little men" the height and density correlation, etc. Overlooked this stuff the first time I heard of it. Guess I wasn't ready.
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Maybe the message of the Wizards of Oz is connected to the Emerald Tablet. I'm not sure, I forgot, but they sure love to put the clues out there.

The wizard of oz is one of the best chakras stories out there.

"When the future is uncertain
And the wizard is just a man inside the booth behind the curtain
Behaving like a serpent
With a bag full of everything
Except your home
Just remember, be yourself
And accept your own
Or Run & Hide..."
What do yall use to filter out the fluoride? I think I read that there was nothing out there that effectively filtered out most of the fluoride in tap water.
What do y'all think of these celebrity leaks?
Honestly man, it helps me realize these women are more or less regular *** people. Their social value has dropped. Their sexuality not only propelled them to stardom, it also keeps them in the public eye with the hope of us seeing a little more, knowing a little more. Always a tease to keep us coming back for more. To see them in such candid moments, knowing they have those feelings of being infatuated with someone else to the point of sending them nudes through text makes me care less about them. It makes them seem within' reach so to speak. As a young man often fantasizing about well known celebrities and wasting so much of my mental and uhh, physical energy fawning over these women seems so pointless now. Not only celebrities but women in general.

Sex is constantly thrown in our faces; whether it be due to a natural instinct to procreate and help the race survive or merely as a distraction from our true passions. These women are nothing special. They are not worthy of my precious time, they do not deserve so much of my attention. No longer is the Goddess idea of a woman something I am in pursuit of, a life partner I need in order to achieve all I want. I no longer consider it some unattainable gift only a lucky few receive. Life is the gift we all receive. My life, my hopes, my goals, my dreams, these things come first for me now. If a woman can fit into that somewhere, and not only fit but somehow improve my own life then she is worthy of me sacrificing my time and attention to her. Otherwise...
Great post man. My conspiracy side kicked in soon as it "fappened." My lower self also kicked in as well and I checked them. I was pretty disgusted with myself for looking, at any rate:
A lot of people are downloading the files associated with the pics and stuff. And if you wanted to get people to download something on their computer they wouldn't think about, put it in something that almost everyone is gonna wanna see. With all the NSA and spying going on who knows what they could be trying to pull off. On top of that, who ever hacked the system to get those pics is no regular person.

Even from a hackers perspective what's the motivation ? If it was for money and you're that good it seems like banking fraud and stuff would be a better way to make money.

I've been meditating on this a lot lately:

John 1

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Words tell you a lot if you don't let the semantics of language scare you.

The way I'm seeing technology is, tek-gno insinuating take-gnosis or take knowledge. It may seem like a stretch but with the rise of technology people have become more ignorant.

I can't even tell you most of my friends/families phone numbers because of cell phones. I don't know how to get to most places because gps.

The thing that scares me is I feel like people are moving towards a point where we won't even know how to be human with out technology.
Maybe some of these photos were taken for blackmaling before they were even famous.

Watch House of Cards to see what I mean.
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I whole heartedly believe that. It's part of the initiation process if you will. In case they wanna stray from the agenda stuff like this may happen.

You see it in politics with the secret societies engaging in homosexual acts etc.
A funny thing about those "hacks" is they are more often then not the work of social engineering and not hack in the sense of breaking in. With people putting out so much information online its not to hard through so trial and error and social knowhow to get passwords reset over the phone through basic customer service. Recently there was a gmail password leak from a breach on some other services and you guys would be surprised at the passwords people use for their accounts such as password, 123456, and highly easily guessable stuff, then add the fact that most people use the same passwords for all their accounts and itll probably be something that can easily be found out about a person looking through there facebook. So many people have smartphones or computers and so many arent capable of understanding even some of the most things when it comes to products they own or services they use. There actually are alot of safeguards in alot of these services or devices to prevent things to leave your hands and so few people understand how to use them. Putting the tech aside i know people and have heard plenty of stories from people who work/ed in cell phone shops or general att, verizon ect stores, that have tons of photos and videos of random people when they take their phones in to be seen or repaired. Same thing happens at the apple stores with employees getting the backup data of phones and being able to see messages and photos. Basically to sum things up with technology being so prominent in peoples live it's a disservice to individuals not learning how some of these systems and things work, to avoid very basic problems from happening.
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Saints Stephen & Christopher
Ikonen-Museum, Recklinghausen

According to legend, the future saint Christopher came from a race of dog-headed cannibals and was originally called Reprobus. His conversion to Christianity and his baptism brought him not only a new name, Christophoros (Greek: the Christ-bearer), but also a human head and the ability to speak. From Samos in Lycia he travelled the country as a missionary, preaching the gospel convincing many of the Christian message.

In this icon, Christopher is shown in soldier's dress with a long spear in his right hand. In his left hand, he is holding a shield. Depicted frontally, the saint is flanked on the left by St. Stephen, the 1st martyr. He is, as is usual, shown as a youthful deacon with the tonsure, and is holding a thurible in his right hand. The object in his left hand possibly represents the stones as attribute of his martyrdom.

whats everybody reading as of late?

I know we did this a couple months ago, but if you're like me, you're always swooping new books..

currently reading:


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^^^ these are both new sightings...

of course unidentified

the quintessential sighting, that's happened over and over and over..

About 2 years ago, here in Denver, I saw the SAME thing. lights, probably 5 or 6 minimum, all moving in awkward patterns, but definitely connected somehow. looked exactly like these video's and countless others I've seen, but I've seen it, with my own two eyes. **** was unreal, because I was already very familiar.
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I haven't got a chance to check this out yet, but it's supposed to be the definitive text on secret societies. One of the benefactors is it that it supposedly lacks the Christian undertones you see a lot of these books have. If no one gets to it before I do I'll try and post a summary.

Speed of Light discovery by Vedic Scholar Sayana

Posted April 3, 2013 by Professor Subhash Kak in Gods of Science and Discovery

Imagine that archaeologists, digging a thousand year old virgin site in Antarctica, come across an inscription deep underground that shows the sun, and next to it the numbers 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light. What would the world do? More likely than not, this find will not be accepted by scholars. A fraud, they would say, committed for cheap fame. The reputation of the archaeologists will be ruined. If they didn’t hold tenure, they will lose their jobs.

Only lunatics will support them, claiming that this proves that aliens have visited the earth from time to time. The high priests of the academy will say that even if the find was genuine it proves nothing;
at best it is a coincidence.

But what an astonishing coincidence! Just the right number out of an infinite different numbers!

The speed of light was first determined in 1675 by Roemer who looked at the difference in the times that light from Io, one of the moons of Jupiter, takes to reach earth based on whether it is on the near side of Jupiter or the far side. Until then light was taken to travel with infinite velocity. Even Newton assumed so.

But why are we talking about the absurd scenario of the archaeologists in Antarctica? Because, we are confronted with a situation that is quite similar! I am an archaeologist of texts. I read old texts from the point of view of history of science. One such book is the celebrated commentary on the Rigveda by Sayana (c. 1315-1387), a minister in the court of King Bukka I of the Vijayanagar Empire in South India.

In a hymn addressed to the sun, he says that it is ``remembered that the sun traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha.”

This statement could either relate to the speed of the sun or to that of light. The units are well known. For example, the Indian epic “Mahabharata”, conservatively dated to 400 BC – 400 AD, defines 1 nimesha to be equal to 16/75.3 seconds; 1 yojana is about 9 miles.

Substituting in Sayana’s statement we get 186,536 miles per second. Unbelievable, you’d say! It cannot be the speed of light. Maybe it refers to the speed of the sun in its supposed orbit around the earth. But that places the orbit of the sun at a distance of over 2,550 million miles. The correct value is only 93 million miles and until the time of Roemer the distance to the sun used to be taken to be less than 4 million miles. This interpretation takes us nowhere.

What about the possibility of fraud? Sayana’s statement was printed in 1890 in the famous edition of Rigveda edited by Max Muller, the German Sanskritist. He claimed to have used several three or four hundred year old manuscripts of Sayana’s commentary, written much before the time of Roemer. Is it possible that Muller was duped by an Indian correspondent who slipped in the line about the speed? Unlikely, because Sayana’s commentary is so well known that an interpolation would have been long discovered. And soon after Muller’s “Rigveda” was published, someone would have claimed that it contained this particular “secret” knowledge. The fact that the speed in the text corresponds to the speed of light was pointed out only recently by S.S. De and P.V. Vartak. Also a copy of Sayana’s manuscript, dated 1395 AD, is available.

Further support for the genuineness of the figure in the ancient book comes from another old book, the Vayu Purana. This is one of the earliest Puranas, considered to be at least 1,500 years old. (The same reference is to be found in the other Puranas as well.)

In Chapter 50 of this book, there is the statement that the sun moves 3.15 million yojanas in 48 minutes. This corresponds to about 10,000 miles per second if considered as speed of light, and 135 million miles for the distance to the sun, if considered as the speed of the sun. Sayana’s speed of light is exactly 18 times greater than this speed of the sun! Mere numerology? For the rationalists these numbers are a coincidence. Given the significance of these numbers, they’d look very carefully at the old manuscripts of Sayana’s commentary.

There are others who would say that consciousness, acting on itself can find universal knowledge. Look, they’d say, by examining biological cycles one can know the periods of the sun and the moon. So why shouldn’t it be possible to know other universal truths? They’d add that ancient texts speak — and this is true — of embryo transplants, multiple births from the same fetus, air and space travel, slowing or speeding of time, weapons that can destroy the entire world.

They’d say that it is more than ancient science fiction, it shows that the human imagination can envision all that can happen. This brings us back to the question of whether the figure of 186,000 miles per second in Sayana’s book is a astonishing coincidence, an example of the powers of intuition, or a meaningless number.
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